EPITAPHS8.                                    259
Brief E xtracts fromi the Best Pes utbet  copn  ob
Ston scitos
VERY mnsciption on tomnb-stones       "Rest in peace, thou gentlesprt
m'ay appropriately be accom-             Throned above -
panied by an epitaph, wic~h           Souls like thfine with God inherit
should be expressaive yet very           Lif and love."~
brief. Formerly it was custom--
ary oftentimes to inscribe seve- "I love them thaat love mie, and they that seek me
ralsana of poetry upon the                  early shal fid iue."
headstoe With. the~ improved
taste of later~ years, however, it is considered    "Judge not the L~ord byfebesn,
best to conidense the epitp into a few words,.         But trust Him for Hi rae
usually not excedn forllnes ilength.               Behind a fronn   rvdne
The following appropriate stanzas for epitaphs       He hides a smiling face."
'We saot the angels h met him there,Aprsnrithsarocel
The gtsof the city we c.ould n~ot see.        But he, whniwenw hide frommen,
Ovrth  ivr oe terie,                          ih othrnee, hlllveaai.
My drlin stnds aitng t wecomeme.
D ath thuatbtaohrbrh
Amiable sh  o 4l;itliet h     hre            reigtesii rmtecosoat.
al; eren, heloedal; ndded,sh