After a due consideration of the offense, the assembly may
reprimand the offender ; may deprive him of the privilege of
voting, or speaking, for a certain length of time ; may compel
him to apologize, or suffer expulsion ; or, if deemed for the
best interests of the assembly, may expel him from the associa-
Speaking to the Question.
No one can speak more than once to the same question,
without permission from the assembly, even though he
may change his mind on the subject; when he obtains the
floor, he -may speak as long as he chooses, unless a regulation
exists to the contrary. The person introducing the subject,
however, after every one- else wishing to speak on the matter
has spoken, may close the debate.
A- member may, however, be permitted to make an explana-
tion relating to any material part of his speech, though he is
not allowed to review the same at length for the purpose
ofintroducing additional arguments.
Upon the chairman rising to make any explanation or state-
ment, the member occupying the floor at the time should re-
sume his seat, giving the president an opportunity of being
The-rule of a well conducted meeting, in order to prev!nt
personalities, is to avoid calling any person by name during a
debate in assembly ; it being customary to designate the person
referred to by number, or as the member from such a state,
such a county or district, or " my opponenti" "my colleague,"
or the member who spoke last, etc.
Impropriety of Personalities.
To secure continued harmony among members of a public
assembly, everything of a personal nature should be studiously
avoided. Any allusion to the personal appearance of another
member, reference to his peculiarities, ridicule of his private
opinions on political or religions matters, is all very ungentle-
manly, and will, in the end, react to the injury of the persoi
making the remarks. Such a course of action will sometimes
make a lifelong enemy of the person alluded to. It is desirable
for each member of the assembly to secure all the friends in the
meeting it is possible to obtain ; to. do this, he should treat
every member of the meeting as he would wish to be treated,
under like circumstances.   The speaker should confine
himself closely to principles involved in the subject 'Be  is
treating, though he may criticise the position taken by his ad-
versary. Any personal: allusions, however, should be of :a

frequently cause a body that meets in continuous session to be-
come greatly demoralized, °and cause it to lose its power and
efficiency for good.

When a member
take his seat, unless
be appealed to, the
body is not appeale
chair. If the deci
proceed ; if unfavoi
without permission

uresident he

Introducing the Business of a Meeting.
The officers and members of an assembly understanding
their duties, they are then in readiness for the transaction of
such business as may come before the meeting, or any work
they may have met to consider.
In legislative assemblies, generally, the order of business is
provided for in the by-laws of the association, and generally
comes in the following order:
I. The secretary reads his record of the preceding: meeting.
2. Reports of standing committees. 3. Reports of special
committees. 4. Special orders. 5. Unfinished business. 6.
New business.
Offiolal Form of Conducting a Meeting.
The rapidity with which business may be transacted in a de-
liberative assembly will greatly depend upon the readiness of
action, and executive ability of the presiding officer. If s uch
officer be thoroughly informed in  arliamentary usage, i
and positive in decision, the council or association that other-
wise would be detained in discussions and business half the
day or night, may have the same business dispatched in an