General Directions Relating to Constitutions and By-Laws.


S of action in the government of an
iation of people, who propose to hold
ar and frequent meetings, it becomes
sary to make a specific agreement by
association of the course of action they
pursue, and the rules by which they
be governed in their deliberations.
are should be taken, while making it
ave the document as concise, clear and
onstitution by an assembly, it is usually
section by section. After it has been
;hould make record of the constitution
le for the purpose.  This should be
of the society, who consent to accept
lamental rule of action.
)istitution should be made in the same
arks for reference showing where they
add matter more clearly defining cer-
istitution, such explanatory notes are
Vhen the Constitution is quite explicit,
-laws are unnecessary. If it is desir-
y minute in explanation, that members
lly nderstand their rights and duties,
quite essential. When added, they

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
RUELTY,to Animals being a prevailing fault, cal-
culated to cultivate the baser passions of man's
nature, it becomes necessary, in order to counteract
the same, to take Individual and united action in
opposition thereto. The better to accomplish a re-
form in this direction, the undersigned agree to
form an association, and be governed in their fun-
damental action by the following
ARTICLE I. The title and name of this Society shall be "THE SAC-
ARTICLE 1I. The objects of this Society are to provide effective
means for the prevention of cruelty to animals within the limits of the
City of Sacramento; to enforce all laws which are now or may hereafter
be enacted for the protection of dumb animals, and to secure by lawful
means the arrest, conviction and punishment of all persons violating
such laws.
ARTICLE IL The officers of this Society shall be a President, six
Vice - Presidents, a Counsel, a Secsretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive
Committee of nine persons, who s all constitute the Board of Directors.
The President, Counsel. Secretary, and Treasurer shall be ex-officio
members of the Executive Committee. The officers shall be elected an-
nually by ballot  and shall hold their offices until others are elected to
fall their places.
ARTICL  IV. Any person, male or female, may become a member of
this Society upon election by the Society, or Executive Committee, and
the payment of the sum of two dollars; and the annual membership
fee shall not exceed that amount.
Sec. 2.-Any person may become a life - member of this Society, upon
the payment to the Treasurer of the sum of twenty-five dollars.
ARTICLE V. The annual meeting of this Society shall be held on the
first Thursday In April of each year, when the annual election of of1cers
shall take-place
See. 2.-tvery member of the Society who has been such for ten days
or more, and who is not In arrears for dues, shall be entitled to vote at
the said election.
Sec. 3.-At the annual meeting the Executive Committee shall present
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of Constitutions,,