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cers, Order of Business, Introduction of Resolutions, and Parliamentary Usages in the Government
Iof Public Gatherings.

IHE people ofeeycmui,
> in order to introduce laws,
regulations, and organizations
by which they shall be gov-
erned ad benefited, find it
necessary to meet from time
to time in public assemblages.
Thus, before a school can be
ished, it is necessary to have a meeting
) citizens, to take the preliminary steps
Is obtaining the school. Before a church
.zation can be had, a meeting of persons
ble to such proceeding must first take
to secure sufficient concert of action to
plish the object. To obtain unity of sen-
t, and harmony of action, in the carrying
d of any important enterprise, the people
be called together, and the minds of a suf-
number directed into the desired channel


tnat may

To show the manner in which a meeting is
convened, called, to order, organized, and con-
ducted, we will take a political gathering as an
To illustrate: William Jones, who lives in the
town of Monroe, being a zealous politician, is
desirous of having a republican meeting in his
town, just before election. He, therefore, con-
sults with John Belden, Arthur Bennett, George
Moody, and others, who have a certain influence,
as to time and place. Arrangements are also
made with two or three persons, accustomed to
public speaking, to address the meeting.
Notice is then given, by written placards or
printed posters, as follows:
"Republican Meeting.
ALL C=rzts of Monroe, who favor the principlem of the REPUBLI-
CAN PARTY, are rn qncsted to meet on THURSDAY EVENING, OCT. 1st,
at the TOWN HALL, at SEVEN O'CLOCK, to take such action as may
be deemed best to promote the Success of 1he Party in the COMIN
ELECTION. The Mectingwill be addressed by the HoN. WfLLIAM
The projectors assemble at the Hall early, and
decide, from an examination of the audience,
who will make a suitable presiding officer, and
secretary, or these persons may be selected

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