LETTER WRITING ILLUSTRATED.                      81

Position of the Various Parts.
The following position of the
several parts of a letter should
be observed:
1. Write the date near the upper right hand
corner-of the sheet.
. Commence the complimentary address on
the line next beneath one inch from the left
side of the sheet.
S. The body of the letter should be com-
menced nearly under the last letter of the comn-
plimentary address.
4. Begin the complimentary closing on the
line next beneath the body of the letter, one
half of the distance from the left to the right
side of the page.
5. The center of the signature may be under
the last letter of the complimentary closing.
6. The name and address of the person writ-
ten to should come on the line beneath the
Signature, at the left of the sheet.
The Complimentary Address.
Of late years it has become
common, in business letters, in-
stead of giving name and ad-
dress at the close, to write the
same at the commencement;
To the Business Man.
Washington, D. C.
Dear S r:
Your note of the 1st nst. received, etc.
To the Married Woman.
MRS. HE E. K'ie     -
Baltimoe, Md.
Dear Madwm:
nclosed find check for, etc.
To the Unmarried Woman.
Lowell, Mass.
In reply to your favor of the 4th ult., etc.
NoUI.Ii I. e-tmery t. dd-, the .n-I,t,l.a. by
the name ,hih ehe ih,-  -b exrd  t .. optlth
the ady whe   er ts a .. her o ,  a., "Mrs. Helea B.
M.g,. or thatf, eh-hjb..d, 1 M.. (;1... 1. ige.

(Complimentanj Address.)
(Bd   fteter)
cf     lll ee /40ent~                                  C/ae,a
(om0plimentary Closing.)

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