When a space is omitted between two words or letters which
should be separated, a caret must be made where the separa.      MARKS USED IN CORRECTING PROOF.
tion ought to be, and the sign No. 6 placed opposite in the          Turn letter.
No. 7 describes the manner in which the hyphen and ellipsis   []   Indent line one em quadrat.
line are marked.5,2Taeot;xpn.
When a letter has been omitted, a caret is put at the place
of omission, and the letter marked as Ng.8.                          The caret    swhere the letter or word
Where letters that should be joined are separated, or where
a line is too widely spaced, the mark No. 9 must be placed           I     space
under them, and the correctioi denoted by the marks in the     L     ess space.
Where a new paragraph is required, a quadrangle is drawn           Clos u enire ly.
in the margin, and a caret placed at the beginning of the sen-       Remove type, and insert a space, in place of whs
tn  (See No. 1o.)                                     Rmv                    ,n     etS      ,i  lc f    h
tence. (Se                                                                 removed.
No. ix shows the way in which the apostrophe, inverted
commas, the star and other references, and superior letters and      Take out type, and close up.
figures, are marked.                                            X ad type.
Where two words are transposed, a line is drawn over one           Push d     space.
word and below the other, and the mark No. 12 placed in the
margin; but where several words require to be transposed,            Plane down a letter.
their right order is signified by a figure placed over each word,
and the mark No. 12 in the margin.                                   No paragraph.
Where words have been struck out, that have afterward      ------  Placed under erased words, restores them.
been approved of, dots should be marked under them, and                rt       e
Stet. written in the margin. (See No. 13.)                           Written in the margin, restores a cancelled woi
or words that have dots under them.
Where a space sticks up between two words, a horizontal            Begi a paragraph.
line is drawn under it, and the mark No. 14 placed opposite.