
--- I

N   writing  for the
Press, while being
explicit, the writer
should make the statement
as brief as possible.
Though in ordinary con-
tion talk may be cheap, in the newspaper,
s cost money.    If sent by telegraph,
cost for transmission; time is consumed
eir examination by the editor and proof-
r; money is expended in putting them in
ink and paper must be furnished on which
nake their impress; and time is to be occu-
by the reader in their perusal ; therefore,
word should convey as much significance

General Directions.

i. If, unavoidably, a long article is written relating to a
variety of subjects, it is well to break the sameness of the
appearance by sub-heads, scattered through the article, relating
to different subjects considered in the composition.
2. Write very plainly, on white paper with black ink, taking
care to write names of persons, dates and places, with the
utmost distinctness.
3. Use sheets of paper about six by nine inches in size,
numbered in their order if more than one sheet be used. Very
large sheets, on the compositor's case, make it inconvenient for

side of the sheet. Thus the paper
cation may be, if necessary, cut into
nong several compositors who will

iever use the pronouns
the news is all that is
refer to himself, it is

6. Never waste time in complimenting the editor or his
paper, when writing a letter for publication. Commence at
once with the subject in hand, and close when you have done.

Local Reporting.

That kind of journalistic writing most easily
taken up, and yet quite difficult to do well, is
that of presenting in attractive form a judici-
ous report of home news.
Much demand exists for more reportorial
talent, especially on the country newspaper.
Thousands of exciting incidents and events
transpire, the details of which, written up for
the press, would greatly edify the readers of
the country journal, the editor of which, know-
ing nothing of the affair, is compelled to fill his
paper with foreign news of less interest to his
.As a general rule, there is not sufficient local
matter to be obtained, nor space to be filled, in
the weekly country journal, to make it an object
for the publisher to employ, at a weekly salary,
a person whose exclusive business shall be col-
lecting local news; and yet the editor is desirous
of obtaining all the important home intelligence
there is, and will willingly pay for such as he
may publish, at the rate of from $1 to $5 per
column, when an arrangementlmay be made for
the correspondent to write regularly.
Of course no writer should expect compensa-
tion until it is clearly shown that his or her
writings are of decided service to the paper in
which they are published. When they become
so, editors and publishers readily concede the
fact, and are willing to pay what the articles are