SUAL recent wording of Tomb- as perpetuating the memories of the decae
'Stone Inscriptions is shown was concerned, had better never have been
in the following.  in omn- engraved on thehedtns
parison, it -will be seen that  The leso  taught inthese exmlsi,ta
the modern inscription is gen- the more concise the   iiin, the more favor-
erally much more brief than  ably coming generations will judg of the hnd
that of the olden time. F'or- ful of dust that lies bnahthe lentomb
rnerly it -was customary to chisel in rude letters  stone. The most aprved moder frsa-
epitomizedi biographical histories of the de- compan~ied by epitpsarshw       hewi,
ceased on the tomb-stones thatmaked their last  together with the correctgrmailwodn
resting place. Among such are many quaint, and punctuation of the same. Thefolwn
curious and foolish~ inscriptions that, so far  approrately acmayteisrpin
It q               ing*0,   tl     uing R l.. int i ng 36owl.ii
0itinthimt 4n.                  ate    in w'lut       i 36ir. 4hr salbtn    1ih itt
Ahsnf not 1A                      *WdOegat%o                                  qa