FORMS OF BUSINESS LETTERS.                       89

Enquiry Concerning Real Estate.
SPRINOLAKE, Mfca., Sept. 4, 18-.
MEsss. S. Towx & SON,
Aurora, Ill.,
Dear Biro:
Having heard much said In praise of your beauti-
ful city, particularly concerning railroad privileges, church and edu-
cationai advantages, I have concluded to make your town my perma-
nent place of abode, If I can locate myself aright, inasmuch as
I have a large family to educate, and the numerous lines of railway
radiating from your city will afford me the desired accommodations
in my traveling agency.
My object in writing you at present is to learn your best terms for a
residence containing not less than ten rooms, having from six to ten
acres of land attached, situated not over a mile from the post office.
An immediate answer will oblige,
Your Obedient Servant,
Answer to the Foregoing.
AuRonA, I., Sept. 10,18-.
Mnt. HAnvEy B. Wiacox,
Springlake, Mich.,
Dear Sr:
Your letter of the 4th instant is received and contents
noted. Agreeable to your request, we have carefully examined our
list of real estate for sale, and find that we can accommodate you,
if the price is satisfactory. We have two places on our list that
very nearly answer your description, either of which we think would
please you. One contains eleven acres, with large brick house, a
good barn and other out-buildings. The place is well supplied with
fruit trees, and the grounds about the house very handsomely laid off;
distance from the post office, about three-quarters of a mile; price,
$16,000. The other includes four acres, house of wood, barn and all
necessary buildings very complete; the whole occupying a very com-
manding and beautiful location, distant about half a mile from the
business center; price, $11,000.
We shall be happy to show you these places, or any others at our
command, when you visit our town, and trust that such inducements
may be offered you when you examine the advantages of residence
here, as will fully confirm your already favorably expressed opinion of
our city. Hoping to meet you soon, we are
Yours, Very Respectfully,
Letter Complaining of Error In a Bill.

Mzssns. H. B. CLAFLIN & CO.,
New York,
.Dear Sirg:

ToY, N. Y., June 10, 18-.

Upon examining bill accompanying your last lot of
goods, I find that I am charged with four dozen pairs of cotton hose
which I never ordered nor received. I enclose the bill and copy of the
Invoice of goods, that the error may be corrected. I am, gentlemen,
Yours, Very Respectfully,
Answer to the Foregolng.
New YoRK, June 11, 18-.
Ma. H. B3. Mooxa
Troy, N. Y.,
Dear Sir:
We regret that you were put to any trouble by the
carelessness of a clerk, who, having proved himself Incompetent,
has left our service. We enclose the correct bill to you, and offer
our apologies for the error.
Truly Yours,

An Application for a Situation on a Railway.
DAVENPORT, IA., Jan. 15,1
HoN. B. C. SMTH,
Dear Sir:
Understanding that you are a shareholder I
of the principal railways, and on intimate terms with several
directors, I venture to solicit your kind Interest In behalf of mr
son, William, now in his twentieth year. His education hs
varied and useful, and his character, so far as I know, is at
For several years he has expressed a desire to enter the empl
railroad company, and under the circumstances I venture to m
you, In the hope that, should you have it in your power to obl
you will kindly intercede in his favor. By so doing you will
a lasting obligation both on him andme. I remain, sir,
Your Ob'd't Servant,

Dear Sirs:
We flatter ourselves that there are many fi
among our connection who will regret that we are on the pc
relinquishing business. In doing so our premises and stock of
will be transferred to the hands of Messrs. Williams & Co., wh
in future carry on the business on the same approved systez
extensive scale as ourselves, provided they can rely upon rec(
the patronage of our connection; In the hope of which, it I
pleasure and duty to present these gentlemen to your notice. W
not speak too highly of the confidence we feel In their liberal m
conducting mercantile transactions; and, in the hope that they m
honored with the same countenance received by ourselves from
respected firm, we beg to sign ourselves,
Your Most Obedient Servants,

SOUTH HAVEN, MicH., Sept. 1, 18-.
Dear Sira:
According to your order, I have shipped you I
day, per Steamer Morning Star,
200 baskets Peaches.  (Marked H. S. & Co.)
l0bblB. Sweet Potatoes.  "     "
l i" Apples.
Trusting that these will prove as satisfactoryas those heretoforeE
and bring as good a price, I am,
Respectfully Yours,

Requesting a Friend to Aake Pui
