PAGE.                                           AE
Gentlemen's Position for Sitting while Writing 2o  The Friendship Letter,      -        107
Ladies' Position for Sitting while Writing, - 21  The Wedding    -      -      -      - 125
Correct Positions for the Hand while Writing,  24  The Exempted Homestead, -   -
Incorrect Positions for the Hand while Writing,  25  The Cottage Home, -                   -
The Bird among the Flowers,      -     - 26   By Land and Water, -,     -      -     -
Position of the Hands and Pen when Flourish-  Position of the Pen while Writing Short-hand,  4
ing,    -     -      -      -     -     27   Public Assemblage in Session,  1-     -   2
Position for Standing while Writing, -  - 28  The Sign-Painter,   .     .      .     .. 25r
Correct and Incorrecl Positions for Sitting while  The Funeral Procession,
Writing,   -      -     -      -        -  9  Entrance to Washington's Tomb at Mount
Speimens of Flourishing- Eagle and Birds,  40  Vernon,    -     -2 -          -      -  59
Specimens of Flourishing - Birds and Swan,  41  The Engraver at Work,                    5 - 253
Books of Different Sizes,     -           231 The Job Printer,  ..      .      .     .  236
The Package of Letters,   -      -      - 79   Artist's Brook,-                         262
PAGE.                                           AE
Alphabets, Words, and Figures,          - 3z  The Round Hand, German Text Alphabet -
'Words and Sentences,      -     -      - 33     The Scroll,       -            -      - 37
Ladies' Fine Epistolary Penmanship,     - 34  Fine Specimens of Flourishing, with Gems of
Business Penmanship, showing Letter of In-       Penmanship,      -            -      -8
troduction, "           - . .-. 35           "The Birds," an Elegant Full-page Speci men
Off-hand Capitals -The Swooping Eagle,  - 36    of Pen Flourishing,          -         - 39