for Public Meetings.

Forms of Wording in Calling Public Meetings.

he duties of the projector
Lblic meeting will be the
of the" Call," which should
distinct, and brief, yet suf-
explicit to enable people
when, where, and for what
ley meet.
following, which may be
circumstances, will suffi-
general form :

ov. 7, at 8 o'clock. The
q, BusINEss MEN, AND
e present. The meeting
BS, HoN. T. M. BA=R,

School Meeting.
Is of Fducation are requested to meet at the house of
,gs, In Walnut Grove, Saturday evening, Sep. 1st, at '
take action rdative to opening a public school in this
ke meeting will consider the selection of directors, the
he school building, and the propriety of opening a school

Firemen's Review.
The entire Fire Department of this citytI herebynotifed to appear
on dress parade, Saturday afternoon, at 1.80, on Broadway, between
Green and- Spruce streets, provided the weather is plLasant, and the
streets dry. If the weather does not permit, due notice of postpone-
ment will be given.
Fire Marshal.
Woman Suffrage Convention.
The Friends of Woman Suffrage are invited to meet In mass conven-
tion, at Dixon's Hall, in Chester, June 14, at ten o'clock, A.x., at which
time the session will commence, and continue two days, closing on
Friday evening. Hon. Asa Cushing, Rev. H. W. Cooper, Mrs. Gardner,
Mrs. Chas. Fuller, and other distinguished speakers will be present,
and participate in the proceedings of the convention.
Hot for Horse Thieves I
All Citizens of Jonesville and surrounding country, favorable to
protecting their stock from the depredations of thieves, are cxpected
to be present at theXagle School House, in District No. 10, on Saturday
evening, July 12, at 8 o'clock, sharp, to aid in forming an association
that will give horse and cattle thieves their just dues.
Railroad Meeting.
The Midland and Great Western Railroad Company*are about
locating their railway through this county, having survey6d three
routes,one through Hastings, one byway of Brownsville, and the
other through this village, passing up the river just east of Fuller's
mill. The Company propose to take this route on one condition,
namely: that we furnish depot grounds and right of way through this'
Citizens of Pikeville l what action shall we take In this matter?
Shall we have a railroad at our own doors, or be compelled henceforth
to go ten miles to the nearest depot? Eve'T citizen interested in the'
growth of our beautiful village is requested to be present at the Town
Hall, next Tuesday evening, May 7, at half past seven o'clock, to con-
sider this subject. Iet there be a full expression from all the people