Dr, to be the executors ot this my will, and in
.f the trouble thus imposed on them, I do hereby
eath unto each of my said executors the legacy
hundred dollars, free of legacy duty and all other
Lud hereby revoking all former or other wills by
made, I, the said Charles W. Freeman, to this
e to be my last will and testament, set my hand
aid testatorF                 A  -   ..a.
remnadCHAS. W. FREEMAN.-  L S
I by him to
ill and tes-
ie presence

presence of the
or and of each

Nuncupative Will.
ter of the nuncupative will of Jonas Lyman, de-
L day of July. in the year one thousand eight hun-
!nty-one, Jonas Lyman, being in his last sickness,
g, situate in Burlington, Iowa, at 84 Huron street
-e of the subscribers, did declare his last will and
rning the disposition of his property, in the fol-
viz. :
that his seven hundred dollars in the First Na-
of Burlington, and two hundred dollars in the
s Holmes, should be given to his mother. He
I a desire to have Silas Holmes act as his execu-
the same as soon as possible, with interest due,
.tire amount, when collected, to his mother. He
11 my other property I want my mother to have
rate use, except my house and lot where I live,
:o my sister Mary."
! the said Jonas Lyman stated the foregoing as his
7 sound mind and memory, and desired us to bear

the Court of Probate for said County, Abial Gooding, Artemas
White, and Peter H. Smith, who deposed that they were pres-
ent on the first day of July, A. D. 1871, at the dwelling of the
said Jonas Lyman, situate at 84 Huron street, Burlington,
Iowa, and did hear Jonas Lyman utter what is specified in the
foregoing writing; that he wished them to witness that it was
his last will ; and that, at the time he was of sound mind and
memory, to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Sworn and subscribed before me, this 12th day of July, A.D.
1871.                     GEORGE HARTWELL, Clerk.
A Short Form of Will, Conveying the Entire Real and
Personal Property to the Wife of the Testator.
A will which bequeaths all the property of
the testator, real and personal, wheresoever it
may be, carries with it property acquired after
is publication, without a repetition of any for-
The question in relation to a bequest in such
cases, is one of intention, not of power. The
following will of Onslow Peters, the legality of
which was tested, and sustained by the courts,
was found to be amply sufficient in length for
the purpose for which it was designed. It read
as follows:
I, Onslow Peters, do make and publish this my last will and
testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
I bequeath all my property, real and personal, wheresoever
the same may be, to my beloved wife, Hannah P. Peters.
I appoint my said wife the executrix of this my last will and
testament. My will is that my said wife shall not be required
to give any bonds or security to the judge of probate for the
faithful execution of the duties of executrix.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal,
this thirteenth day of September, A. D. eighteen hundred and
Cancelling Debts That are, or May be, Due.
Whereas, there are certain sums of money due me, upon
mortgages, bills, and otherwise, from persons hereafter named
(naming them), it is my will that such indebtedness, immedi-
ately after my death, shall be cancelled by my executors. And
I do hereby release those persons aforesaid from the payment
of all debts due.