SELF-INTRrCTOR IN PENANSHIP.                                           3
from always ben  ble toput thugt beautifully and ready                   Eighth Lesn
onl paper. Blacktboard illsrtos giving the~ capitals from  Pnasi      rl ntewiigbo.Bakor luta
M to Z, together with probable faults. Careful drill by pupils  tion, showing any faul1t yet discovered by the teacher. Gn
on capitals, accompanied by examination and criticism of each  era reak  nteiprac  fgo    emnhpeuirl
pupil by the teacher pleasantly suggesting a change where  and i,c          ated to i  re the class w  a du
faults are visible, and praising all where improvement is plain,  apreiation of thjeir workt. Students can gnral writ du~r-
Sixth Lessn.                         ing the tme the teacher is talking, except  bcbar
General drill by the class on small letters and capitals. Re-   O                 n     g
view by the teacher of the capital stemn on the blackboard and the writing of business forms, concerning the value and use of
the making of all capitals in which it occurs. Examination  p      notes, bills, receipts, orders, checks, drafts, etc.,
by teacher of writing books. General remarks on punctuation, following by writing a promissory note upon the bjoard, accom-~
showing the importance of being able to punctuate coetly ;  panying the same by an explatia..on of the frm in which a
followed by making each pntainmark on the bor, t        note should be written to draw six per cent., ten per cent. no
use being explained- by sentences written.  Each student  per cent., etc. If sold to another person, how it should be eni
should give careful attention to all blackboard  ustrations.  dorsed, etc. After writing one hour, at each lesson, should
Different sentences should be written, and the various mem-  fo   Intio. Continued practice in penmanship in the
bers of the class required to punctuate the same, if possible,  writing. Write one copy to the page, a plain hand, an never
correctly.  Intermission.  Continued drill in penmanship.  anything but what is found in the copy. It is a great mnistake
Special explanation of the capital letter 0 on the blackboard,  to practice many styles of penmanship. In so doing the ordi-
showing fults liable to he made; that the height of the O,  nary pupil becomes proficient in none. Blackboard illustra-
correctly formed, is twice its width, is made of a perfect curve, tions, duirig this lesson, on writing orders, receipts, hills, etc.,
with parallel lines, only one down mark shaded. The teacher  requiring students to capitalize and punctuate the same. The
will then, on the board, make the capitals in which the same  teacher should urge, at the close of the lesson, the great impor-
is found. Twenty minutes' practice by the class, applying the  tance of practice between lessons during the remainder of the
principle. Rest occasionally by the class, in which the teacher  term. To  whom shall the premiums be given?  That will
further illustrates exercises in punctuation.           greatly depend up9n the practice out of the schoolroom.
eventh Lesson.                                             it     esn
Drill in penmanship, the teacher yet watching and exposing  Require every student to write one page in the writing book
every fault to be seen in sitting and holding the pen ; also any  with the greatest care. The teacher should examine every
marked fault in penmanship; calling, however, no names of  book. What faults yet remain? Illustrate them on the board.
pupils that may be at fault. Blackboard illustration, show-  More practice in the writing books. General remarks by the
ing the principle found in the upper part of Q, W, etc. Capi-  teacher on superscriptions, followed by illustrations on the
tas made in which it occurs. Careful drill by pupils on this  blackboard, Illustrate why and where to pace name on the
exercise. Criticism Of Writing in each book by the teacher, envelope, together with name of town, county, state ; where to
General remarks by the teacher on the use of capital letters,  place postage stamp, how to write straight. Illustrate and ex-
followed by illustrations on the board showing where capitals  plain all the various titles used in addressing Kings, Queens,
should be used, Steady practice in penmanship by the class,  Presidents, Members of Congress, Governors, judges, Lawyers,
the pupils being cautioned to write with the utmost care,  Physicians, Clergymen, Professors, etc., etc. Iteision. -Oa
maigit a point to write every letter perfect, no matter how  a separate alip of paper the students may then each w ite the
long  may take to execute the sane, remembering that prac-  superscription they would use were theyto address anyoica
tice will bring rapid writing, but care alone, and attention to  military, or professional man. Continued patcinte writ-
principles, will bring perfect penmanship. Brief drill by the  ing book, the lesson closing by the teacher  each
class in off-hand penmanship, from copies on the board ; wrist  pupil to bring five sheets of note paper and five envelopes for
, J,       free fro the desk, and forearm rosting lightly on the desk.  practice in letter writing at the next lesson.
The teacher should remind the pupil of the importance of
always holding the paper with the left hand, and having now
nearly completed the seventh lesson, what is yet the fault  Twenty minutes'practice in writing books until all the me
,I_ 51with any member of the class? Students should, ask them-     hers of the cass have assembled. General remtarks by the
sves, " What lack~ I yet in my penmanship?" ZIle,rsws  tece *teiect of letter writing and conmmercial corre-
Coantinued practice by the class, The pupils may rest while  spondenceexplaining the various kinds of letters for diffrent
the teacher writes several sentences upon the beard without  purposes, size of paper and envelopes requied for each, and
capitals, the members of the class sugsig wrhere capitals  all the essentials necessary to writing any kind of a letter well.
beog,ad also being required to punctuate. Several words  The teacher will then write a brief friendship letter uponte
may be gienfor thesdnt s to prcienx day, h student     b   ard eplinnpg where and how to write the dating, the cin-
prsetig hebet peimn  f hesae,at the next lesn, pinentaryades body of the letter, co plietary coig