es.          , tree and shrub that grows upon its sices, is
largest- near the earth, the roots spreading
curved lines, broader than the branches..
tr ht we
The good mechanic builds accordingly. The
d fullness of  monument is broadest at the base. The house
The edge    a a foundation larg  enough for its support,
of the tree,  and the smallest article of household use or
the rainbow,  ornampnt, constructed to stand upright, is made
in fact, is   with reference to this principle of proportion,
iman counte-  with base broader than the top. This principle,
ie rosy hue of  applied in capital letters, is shown by contrast
disease and  of various letters made in good and bad pro-
The wind-   portion, asfollows:
efuI bending
every object                                     rc)
iany illustra-
ely shown in
iat the head
ng of capital
representing    Letters should be constructed self supporting
and straight  in appearance, with a foundation sufficiently