Appointment of Committees.
The constitution and by-laws of an association usually pro-
vide for the appointment of standing committees, who sit per-
manently during the session. The members of such commit-
tees in deliberative assemblies, unless otherwise ordered, are
appointed by the presiding officer.
The necessity of a select committee is usually suggested by
some member of the assembly, who frequently moves that a
certain number be appointed, either by the chairman or the
meeting. Should this committee be appointed by the meeting,
it is customary to select by majority vote one at a time, thus
giving the assembly ample time to consider the fitness of each
candidate for the proposed committee ; though the entire num-
ber may be voted upon at once, if thought desirable, to save
While the members of the committee possess the right to
select their chairman, it is a recognized courtesy to select the first
person appointed on the committee as chairman of such com-
The necessity of appointing a new committee is sometimes
obviated, if there be already a committee appointed, by
assigning the matter to be considered to such committee.
In most legislative bodies the committees appointed by the
presiding officer at the opening of the session, are sufficient in
number to appropriately consider any subject that may be
brought before the meeting. Thus, in the City Council, there
is usually provision made for the appointment of a committee
on "police," on "fire and water," on "abatement of taxes,"
on "streets and alleys," on "license," public grounds," etc.
Committees are also appointed by legislative assemblies, whose
duty it is to consider everything of a judicial character, mat-
ters relating to taxation, public institutions, etc. Any matter
arising during the session, decidedly distinct in its character,
and requiring considerable deliberation, is usually referred, by
motion of one of the members of the assembly, to the commit-
tee having jurisdiction over that kind of business.

When a committee is
named member to call s
possible, though it is not a
meeting during the session
do so.

appointed, it is usual
uch committee together
11iMoh1. ,- a -ammittp

for the first
as soon as
fnhnll itq

When a report is made, the chairman, or person appointed
to present the report of the committee, rises in the assembly,
and states to the presiding officer that the committee which he
represents is ready to make their report concerning the matter
which they have had under consideration. The person making
this announcement may himself move that the report be re-
ceived and (if a select committee) the committee discharged,
though it is more usual for some other member of the assem-
bly to make such motion. The question is then put by the
presiding officer to the meeting, as to whether the report will
be received then ; or, if not then, a time is fixed upon when it
will be received.
The person making the report usually presents the same in
writingv reading the document in his place, after which he pre.
sents the report, and all papers re!ating to the subject, to the
secretary; or the report may be given to the secretary to read,
after which the meeting will consider the matter of its accept.
ance. As a rule, upon someone member of the meeting moving
the acceptance of the report, the same being seconded, the presid-
ing officer will announce the report accepted, without taking a
vote thereon. If, however, decided objection is made, a vote
by the meeting will be taken.
A report by a select committee being accepted, the commit-
tee is dissolved, though anything further arising on the ques-
tion, the matter may be recommitted to the same committee.
When accepting a report, it is common for a member to move
that the report be accepted and the committee discharged.
Reports may be made by the simple expression of opinion
by the committee, or by resolution or resolutions.
Committee of the Whole.
When -it becomes necessary for the assembly to form itself
into a committee of the whole, such action is taken on motion
of some member of the meeting. The motion being carried,
the presiding officer appoints a chairman of the committee,
and himself takes a seat with the other members of the assem-
bly, the chairman of the committee taking hisseat with the
clerk at the secretary's desk.
The chairman appointed by the presiding officer is usually

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by obta
or an
ask to
mittee I