by the
iand for

ducation is a knowledge of rap-
d writing.   The young, by all
neans, should acquire it.
It may be used by the author
n his study, the editor in his
clergyman in his library, the
ffice - in fact, everywhere that
, the simplicity and dispatch of
.e its value apparent.
should determine, at the out-
not he will, for a time at least,
iting. If he wishes to do this,
to give much time and close at-
[he man or system that promises
1 speed in a few weeks' time, is
fidence. It is useless to expect
eporter and follow some other
;ame time. Reporting is a pro-
and requires the undivided at-
-rson following it. If, however,
mply wishing rolief from long-
T writing, is content with a rate
ives a fully written and abso-
anuscript, a style that is easy to
d, and remember, let him take
style, master it thoroughly, and

the word-forms used, and the greatest facility
in their execution, as in long-hand, and he Will
gain his object more easily and quickly than if
he seeks it through shorter word-forms, which
must necessarily be more difficult to learn and
read. Very few people need to become verba-
tim reporters; every one, however, having much
writing to do, can use a simple style of short-
hand to advantage.
The grand principle upon which a system of
short-hand should be built is that of phonetics.
Every sound in the language should be repre-
sented by its individual sign, used for that
sound and no other. As a simple sound is ut-
tered by one impulse of the voice, so should the
sign representing it be made by one movement
of the hand; resulting in a single, simple sound
being represented by a single, simple line.
These lines should be of such a form that they
may be easily joined, one to another, so that a
word may be completely written without rais-
ing the pen. The most frequently occurring
sounds should be represented by the most easily
written signs; and all the sounds should be
represented by such signs as will give a free,
flowing, forward direction to the writing, with-
out running either too far above or below the
line upon which it is written. There should be
a distinct line drawn between the simplest style
for general use - which should contain no con-