"Se not for her the bitter tear,            "A happier lot than ours, and larger light, sur-
Nor give the heart to vrain regret;                  rounds thee there."
'T is but the casket that lies here,
The gem that flled it sparkles yet."
________"Gone to a land of pure delight,
"Sheltered and safe from sorrow."                Where saints immortal reign;
Infinite day excludes the night,
And pleasures banish pain."
"Ere sin could harm, or sorrow fade,
Death came with friendly care;
The opening bud to heaven conveyed,      "Though I walk through the valley of the shadoiv
Ajid bade it blossom there."               of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou
art with me."
"Happy infant, early blest!
Rest, in peaceful slumbers, rest."         "Triumphant smiles the victor's brow,
Fanned by some angel's purple wing.
"This lovely bud, so young, so fair,            Where is, 0 grave, thy victory now?
Called hence by early doom,                   And where, insidious death, thy sting?
just came to show how sweet a flower                      _____
I n =~Pa~r~a~dise woulbloom.               Tby rod and Thy staff, they comfort me."
"Suffer little children to come unto me."
"Sweet is the scene when virtue dies!
"There, in the Shepherd's bosom,               When sinks a righteous soul to rest,
White as the drifted~ snow,                How mildly beam the closing eyes,
Is the little lamrb we missed one morn,       How gently heaves the expanding breast!"
From the household flock belowy."_____
"Here I lay my burden down,
"Sweet flower, transplanted to a clime             Change the cross into the crown."
Where never comes the blight of time."                    _____
.'o hebid fmy bosom fluttered up to the dawn,   And joyfully sweet will the meeting be,
A window was opened - my darling was gone!     When over the river, the peacefu river,
A truan~t from time, from tears, and from sin,Thaneofdthsllcrym"
For the angel on watch took the wanderer in."    T__age_o_eah_halcaryrn.
"0 Death! where is thy sting? 0 Grave! where        "Because I lived, ye shall live also."
is thy victory?"
___________ "iLife is real, life is earnest,
SAnd the grave is not its goal;
w  io m d o w  fa n d b   ea e 'Pie- r a h n        u st  thou  art,  to  dust  returnest,'
Was not spoken of the soul."
In the resplendence of that glorious sphere,  ._
And larger movements of the unfettered mind,
Come darling, oft, and meet me here.
A-O ssch isl th k, fr Hou