ment of their actual prospects ana means of sup- be given t
port. Neither should hold out to the other  from time
wealth or other inducements that will not be  he may at
realized, as disappointment and disgust will be  money.
the only result.                           as all ou
MARRYING FOR A HOME.              done, at t
Let no lady commence and continue a corre- ind  exd
spondence with a view to marriage, for fear that  urin et
sh- may never have another opportunity. It is  ntation, a:
the mark of judgment and rare good sense to
go through life without wedlock, if she cannot  vation shc
marry from love. Somewhere in Eternity, the  serenely 
marry                           time ofm
poet tells us, our true mate will be found. Do  and pecu
not be afraid of being an "old maid."  The  chances o
disgrace attached to that term has long since  chsnces.o
passed away. Unmarried ladies of mature years  norer th
are proverbially among the most intelligent, rcher.
accomplished, and independent to be found in  r
society. The sphere of woman'    tion and    Let no
work is so widening that she can to-day, if she  ae po
desires, handsomely and independently support  arr.
herself. She need not, therefore, marry for a  answering
home.                                      object to
INTEMPERATE MEN.               accumulat
Above all, no- lady should allow herself to  The your
correspond with an -intemperate man, with a  mount of
view to matrimony. She may reform him, but betrothed