tracted, irregular, or exceptional word-forms -  In writing Tachygra
and the more brief and complicated styles for held between the first
the reporter's use.                          steadied by the thumb -
Of the various systems of Short-hand, that the beginning of this
called Tachygraphy (Ta-kig-ra-fe), a system  signs as I \   -may
invented and elaborated by D. P. Lindsley, of changing the position oi
Andover, Mass., probably more nearly meets     The alphabet should
the requirements of the public than any now  by taking up the signs ir
in use; the advantage of this system of Short- mny times, repeating t
hand being, that it combines rapidity with   the sign is made, so as
completeness of detail in a very large degree. with the sign, and both
By permission of Mr. Lindsley we are enabled  It will be noticed that E
to present the following synopsis and iustra- vocal sounds, while n(
tions from his work, "Elements of Tachygra- represent whispered soy
phy," published by Otis Clapp, No. 8 Beacon    The signs, I I \ \
St., Boston.                                 always written downwa
COSNLNrAL SIG S.                ward, and,,
N. N.           ).      RN. N          B           In joining consona
Be, b in bay.           The, th in they.   acute angles should'
Pe, p in pa-.            Ith, th in oath.  as they are more e
-    Ga, g in go.         6  Em, In in may.     than obtuse angles.
-.   Ka, k in key.           En, n in nay.      sign with a consonant
De, d in do.            Ing, no in sing.   always form an angl(
Te, t in to.             El, I in lay.        X
Ve, v in eve.           Ra, r in ray.      Abe, eke, it, of, owe
)   Ef, f in if.            Wa, w in we.          Attheendofacon
(   Zhe, z in azure.    J   Ya, y in ye.        vowels are written, e
(   Ish, sh in show.     6  Ha, h in high.     for or as hooks on t
Ze, z in ooze.     -   Ja, j in jl.       is most convenient a:
Es, s in so.        --  Cha, ch in each.   j, wAfino,_ Thp vn