from Attachment, or Levy and Sale on Execution,
,I Propery.-The   a family owning and occupying the same, there are exempted various
alue of $1,000. to  articles of personal property, according to the size of the family, such
ale on execution  as is usually determined by tihe statutes. The tools, working animals,
ctoln of any debt  books, and stock in trade, not exceeding $300 in value. Is exempted to
'n (1868.) Every  any person not the head of a family, when used and kept for the pur-
llin and appur-  pose of carrying on a business or trade.
village' town. or
in lot ina city,      onnecticyt-No H                    Personal a the
 thereon, owned  fo'wing value: Necessary apparel and bedding, household furniture
!eedlng tle value  necessary for supportig life arms military equipments, Implements
noy                           portngtIefe,arms,lli
i    ther final  of thb debtor's trade, one cow, ten sheep (not exceeding In value $130),
It"11            are pOtteted,and certain specified amounts of family stores, one stove,
the 9or8e, saddle and bridle, bug and harness (not exceeding In value
Property, $2,000.  $200), of any ractisin physicini or surgeon, one sewing machine in
tylot, ben the   use. one pew n church In use, and a library (not exceeding in value
purtenances and   $500), one boat used In fishing, not exceeding $200 in value.
00, and personal
pakota-Home        80 Acres, unth buildings, or house, and one half
P, -The          arn vhiage or ciy, and Personal Propertyj. -The householder is
id to a homestead consisting of not more than eighty acres of land
hof  mestead is  with buildings and appirtenances thereon and persboal property
tere stuate, by a  aggregating in value no  exceed           h personal property
; from executiona  defined by statute.
nt was obtained
ents for liens of
iebt securedbv     Dlaware-Ao Home exemptd             Personal Prope,_$275-
leorban unmarri   Famiy Ilrry, family pictures, Bible, school books, seat of pew in
land before the  church, lot in c  etery, wearing apparel of debtor and family, and
,re chairs tables  tools, Implements and fixtures necessary to carry on buslness worth not
sehold, table an(i  over $75. Head of family, In addition to the above, is allowed on other
)ne piano in act  personal property not enumerated above, $200.
oe pipo and
b,estes and
r     tes, and     Disorf      of Columbina-No Hore exempted. Personal
Simplements                  follown    value     e following property of a house-
8, andtheir bar-  holer is exempt from distraint, attachment or sate on execution, ex-
)r one month; all  cept for servants' or laborers' wages due: Wearing apparel, household
iting or sowing  furniture to the amount of $300; provisions and fuel for three months:
value; tools of a  mefhanics' tools or Implements of any trade, to the value of $200, with
al and records of  stock to the same amount; the library and implements of a professional
a, surveyor, den-  man or artist, to the value of $800; a farmer's team and other utensils,
and proressional  to the value of $100; family pictures and library, in value $400.
ture of attornes
Qcabin or d wenI-
Lices, pIpes, hose,  Florida -Farm     or Ho se and Lot, and Pers nal Property. -
Iapplances nec-  Homestead o? one undred and sixty acres of land and improvements,
t value; and two  If I thecountry; a residence and one-half acreof ground, if In a villave
ses, etc., for one  or city; together with $1,000 worth of personal property. An addl-
ahss,d ick, cra~r  e tioa  tfim of $1,000 worth of property Is exempt from all debts incur-
Aith harness, and red prior to May 10, 1863.
I, eddler, team-
Sont harness of a
tne month: four .ceorgla. -Home worth $2,000, and! Peraonal_Prprt.7l~l