g cut.  He pri- 1a
whole alphabet   is
the contrivan'1,
;ive him h  only ITl.
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had been before 61i wom.
1 being too Soft5 3  l
inpression: but9-/
lie, by mixing

following testimony is preserved in the family,
by Jo. Fred. Faustus, of Ascheffenburg:
'PETER SCHOEFFER, of Gernsheim, perceiv-
ing his master Faust's design, and being him-
self ardently desirous to improve the art, found
out (by the good providence of God) the
method of cutting (incidendi) the characters in
a matrix, that the letters might easily be singly
cast, instead of being cut. He privately cut
matries for the whole alphabet: and when he
showed his master the letters cast from these
matrices, Faust was so pleased with the con-
trivance, that he promised Peter to give him
his only daughter Christina in marriage, a
promise which he soon after performed. But
there were as many difficulties at first with
these letters, as there had been before with
wOodn ones, the metal being too soft to sup-
port the force of the impression: but this defect
was soon remedied, by mixing the metal with
a substance which sufficiently hardened it.'

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