.orum of members, some    secretary dunng is aLsence. were one or several assistant
d the fact be discovered  secretaries are chosen, less inconvenience is occasioned by the
iny question, that a quo- temporary absence of the secretary.
I adjourn. It will be in
ness at the next meeting                      The Treasurer.
the absence of a quorum    The office of treasurer, while often distinct, is frequently
.ing.                    coupled with that of secretary. This portion of his duty con-
JMENTS.                  sists in entering in a book provided for the purpose, an account
er to place his signature  of all moneys received and disbursed in behalf of the body
ie assembly, when neces-  which he serves.
Lted by the meeting, as a  The rule is, to pay out no moneys without an order bearing
,his duty is to obey their the signatures of the president and secretary, or the chairman
assemblage in a just and  of a finance committee, who is empowered to audit bills, which
orders the treasurer should carefully preserve a vouchers.
etary.                                            BONDS.
at a temporary meeting,    It is further customary to require bonds of such officer for
: stationery with which  the faithful performance of his duty, where any considerable
11.                      amount of money is handled, he being also required to yield
,TC.                     possession of his books to his successor, in good order.
mat, read the call for the                    The Committees.
es, and resolutions that
the proceedings forpub-    All public bodies find it necessary, in order to systematize
on interested who may their work and expedite business, to appoint certain indlividu-
eserve the record of pro-  als of their number to have charge and control of certain de-
nation at a subsequent   partments of the work, relating to their deliberations.
)RD OF.                    Where appointed for a particular occasion, the committee is
embly will, after reading  known as and called a select committee ; where appointed at
e note of and enter upon  the beginning of a session, to consider all matters of a certain
cedings and enactments   nature it is termed a standing commitee,
ions, motions proposed,                 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE.
ot entered. Such is the
meetings it is frequent-  A "committee of the whole" consists of all the members.
mly of what is actually  As it is the duty of the sanding and selct committees to pre-
scussions and proceed-   pare measures to be acted upon by the full assembly, so it is
the duty of the "committee of the whole" to consider and ar-
range the preliminaries of the business that the assembly is to
!NT PAPERS.              consider. This committee can act with much less formality
f importance, afterhav-  than is consistent with the customary forms of parliamentary