I Laws.

! postage on sucn
;tates is THREE
Atter exclusively in
ds from a known
writing, mark ot

!ted proof-sheets, maps, prints, en-
patterns, articles of merchandise, 
iic paper, letter envelopes, postal
!arly as practicable, first tying oircu-
idresses all in one direction.
le and complete, give name of Post
.nd numbei of house, if in a street.
I should have the name of the coun-

x, see that it falls well in
except by money order

Postage - Suggestions on Transmitting Mail-
Review of Postal Regulations.
envelopes and wrappers, cards, plain and ornamental paper,
photographic representations of different types, seeds, cuttings,
bulbs, roots, scions, and all other matter which may be declared
mailable by law, and all other articles not above the weight
prescribed by law which are not, from their form or nature,
liable to destroy, deface, or otherwise injure the contents of the
mail-bag, or the person of any one engaged in the postal ser-
vice. Postage, one cent for each ounce or fraction thereof.
All packages of matter of the third class must be so wrapped
or enveloped, with open sides or ends, that their contents may
be readily and thoroughly examined by postmasters without
destroying the wrappers; but seeds, and other articles liable,
from their form or nature, to loss or damage unless specially
protected, may be inclosed in unsealed bags or boxes which
can readily he opened for examination of the contents and
reclosed ; or sealed bags, made of material sufficiently trans-
parent to show the contents clearly, without opening, may be
used for such matter. No writing will be permitted upon
articles of this class, or their wrappers or envelopes, except the
address of destination. Any other writing in or upon any
package or article of this class will subject it to letter r tes of
postage. Matter of the third class inclosed in sealed envelopes
notched at the ends or side, or with the comers cut off, cannot
be mailed except at letter postage rates. Matter of the second
and third classes, containing any writing whatever, except the
address, will be charged with letter postage.
Sign full name and address to all letters to insure their re-
turn in case they miss their destination.
Return to Post Office all letters addressed to hotels and
other places where letters are received, as soon as it is evident
that they are not to be called for.

The Following Classes of Letters are not Advertised.
Drop Letters, unless a three cent Postage Stamp is affixed.
Letters bearing requests to be returned to writers, or bearing
the name and address of the writer.
Letters returned from the Dead Letter Office to writers.
Circulars, packets containing printed documents, speeches,
and other printed matter.
Official letters from any department of the government.
ys are classed with newspapers, and rated with postage accordingly.