CONSTITUTIONS AND BY-LAWS.                                                      208
couNe.                                        CONSTITUTION OF A VILLAGE LYCEUM
ARTICLE VI The Counsel shall be the legal adviser of the Society,
its Officers and Executive Committee, and shall have general charge
and cond ct of all suits and proceedings instituted by or against it, or
them, or either of them, or In which the Society may be Interested. He                   PREAMBLE.
shall receive for his services such pecuniary compensation, or fes asT                       n   eeoieto       id oehrwt
shall be determined by the Executive Committee.                                     ROWTH and deveopment of mi    together wih
SECRETARY.                                                  readiness and fluency of speech, being the re-
sult of -    Insu stigation and fre discussion of
ARTICLE VII. It shall bethe duty of the Secretary to keep minutes of       ,        reigi   n utia    political, a duertopl
all the proceedings of the Society and of the Executive Committee, and
to record the same in the Society's books provided for that purpose; to              the undersigned agree to form an association,
conduct the correspondence and keep copies thereof, and to perform                   ad for its gvernnent do hereby adopt the
such otherfduties as are customary for such an officer, under the direc-             folowi  sg
tion of the Executive Committee.                                                     fl      i
TREASURER.                                                       C    T     I
ARTIOLE VIII. The Treasurer shall have charge of all the funds be-
longng tothe Society, and shall disburse the same under the diection
of the Executive Committee, He shall, previous to the annual meeting            ARTICLE 1. The name and title of this organization
of the Society, prepare and submit to the Executive Committee for              shall be
audit, adetaled account of his receipts and disbursements durin to
past year which annual account, duly audited, he shall present to the  all       "The Cambrid       Literary Ausociation,"
oiety at its annual meeting.                                      4Object     and Its object shall be the free discussion of any subject
AGENTS,                                             coming before the meetin for the purpose of diffusing
knowledge among Its members.
ARTICLE IX. The Executive Committee may appoint from time to
time such special agents as It may deem advisable, and shall have the           ARTICLE IT, The officers of the Assoc:ation shall
power to remove the same at its pleasure.                                      consist of a President. two Vice-Presidents, a Corres-
See. 2.-The appointment of eve  agent of the Society shall be in  Oficers of  pond1 Secretary aecording Secretary, a Treasurer
writing, and he shall receive such pecuniary compensation for his ser-  Ile    and a L brarian, W o shall be elected annually by ballot,
vc ay be detrmined bye                                     t        m. on the first Monday in January of each year, said offi-
cers to hold their position until their successors are
EXECUTIVE OMMITTEE.                                       elected.
ARTICLE X. The Executive Committee shall have the management,                  ARTICLE III. It shall be the duty of the President
control aud'dispositlon of the affairs, property and funds of the ociety      to preside at all public meetings of the Society. The
and shall have the power to fil for the unexp red termany vacancy tha          frst Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the
may occur In any of the offices of the Society or in its own body.             President and In case of the absence of both President
Sec. 2.-No member of the Eiecutive Committee, except the Counsel             and Vice-President, It shall be the duty of the second
and the Secretary, shalt receive or derive any salary or pecuniary com-        Vice-President to preside.
pensation for his services.                                                     The duty of the Secretary shall be to conduct the cor-
Sec. 3-The Executive Committee shall hold meetings for the trans-    the     respondence keep the records of the Society andread
action of business at lelat once in every month, and at all such meetings  Offcea,  atec meig a report of the work done alt the pre-
five members shall constitute a quorum.                                         The nac surer shall   the funion  teg.
ALTERATIONS OR A     D      S.                                 makin an alnual reportoall moneys recev,
bArOed, and amount on hand.
ARTICLE XI. This constitution may be altered or amended by a two-              It s.l,ki be the duty of the Librarian tokeep, In
thirds vote of all the members present, at anyregular or special meeting       arefl       r, ll books, records and manuscripts in
of the Society, provided such alteration or amendment has been propos-         the possesi  of the Society.
ed and entered on the minutes, together with the name of the member
proposing it, at a previous meeting of the Society.                             ARTICLE IV. There shall be appointed by the Fres-
ldent at the first meeting after his election, the follow-
Idn tndn committees, tO consist of three members
..Appoitmenuct each, namely: onl lecture                         irr fnance, and print-.
By -       Laws.Of                                    In*. whosetiluties shall be aesignated by the President.
Oonttees.    The question for debate at the succeeding meeting
HOURS OF MEETING.                                         shall be determined by a  orityvote of the members
ARTICLE 1. The hours of assembling for the stated meetings of the
Society shall be as follows: From the Is o April until the ls of Octo-         ARTICLE V. Any lady or gentleman may become a
her, at eight o'clock P. M., and from the Ist of October until the lst of      memberpf this Society by the consent of ue majority
April, at half-past seven o'clock, P. M.                                       of themembers preaent, the signing of the constitu
Codiftmis of and the payment of two dollars as membership fe. It
ADMISSION OF MtEMBERS.                          Membehip. shall be the fir. vilege of the Society to.elect any.person