report the

resolutions, and gives
ie resolutions. What

The question on the passage of the resolu-
ns is now before the house. Are there any
narks to be made on the subject ?" *
If no objections are made, the President will
t the question, and declare the result. The
malty of appointing a Committee on Resolu-
ns may be avoided by the resolutions being
roduced and read by one of the projectors of
rhe resolutions adopted, and the speeches
icluded, th Chairman will ask:
"What is     further pleasure of the meet-
If there be no further business, some one
yes an adjournment.   As the question is
t debatable the Chairman puts it direct. If
-ied, he says:
'The meeting is adjourned."
If thought best to convene another meeting,
Chairman will declare:
'The meeting is adjourned to the time fixed
[he foregoing, it will be seen, by varying the
1, and changing the  business to suit, will
swer for most political gatherings, or any pub-

to make the proceedings
of the Secretary to fully
of the meeting, and trans-
arest newspaper favorable
meeting be of sufficient

importance, it may be well for him, immediately
after being chosen to fill the position, to move
the appointment of two Assistant Secretaries,
who will aid him in writing up the proceedings
for two or three newspapers.
The Secretary's Report.
The Secretary's report of a meeting, will, of
course, vary according to circumstances. In the
record of the foregoing meeting, it would read
as follows:
Pursuant to call, a meeting of the Republican citizens of Monroe
was held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, Oct. 10th, Samuel
Lockwood behig chosen president of the meeting, and Hiram Cooper
al)pointed secretary.
On motion of Mr. William Jones, the chairman appointed as a com-
mittee on resolutions, Messrs Win. Jones, Albert Hawkins, and Henry
During the absence of the committee, the meeting was very ably
addressed byHon. W. Spencer, of Belmont, who reviewed the work
that had been done by this party, in a speech of some forty minutes.
Mr. Spencer was followed by Thomas Hopkins, Fsq., of Cambridge,
In a half hour's Epeechb, in which heparticularly urged upon all Repub-
licans the necessity of vigilant effort from this time forward till the
The committee on resolutions reported the following, which were
unanimously adopted.
(Here the Se retary  nserts the Resolution#.)
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
Government of Conventions.
While the foregoing form is applicable, with
suitable variations, to the management of ordi-
nary public meetings, it is generally necessary
in political conventions, which contain fre-
quently a large number of delegates with a
great diversity of interests to subserve, several
candidates being often before the convention
seeking position, to make first a temporary, and
afterwards a permanent organization.
Comprised, as the convention is, of delegates,
who are representatives from constituencies
of different parts of the county, or state, the
assemblage is a legislature of the party, and is
governed by nearly the same rules. The strict-
est application of these rules is often necessary,
in order to preserve decorum in its discussions,
and dignity in its action.
A convention may be called, either by. some
committee appointed by previous conventions
to make the call, or it may be convened by
invitation of the leading friends of a particular


