al (N.Y.) Journal.   From the    heago Evening Journal,
igly comprehensive.             Mrh 8, 1876.
id to cover all the  "The people of Aurora, IlL, yesterday elected
.e in which the pen is Thomas E. Hill mayor of their city, without
ty, and his endeavor oppostion. The press and the people unani-
.;uccess in producing m  ydeclared him to be so eminently fitted
have been informed for the place, by wealth, public spirit and enter-
es have been sold in prise, that all classes united in choosing himfor
ider, as it is such a 'heplace, irrespective of party or political feel-
c aout, if talk be at ing. Though formerly, for several Nears, en-
amination."         gaged in teaching, Mr. IHill has latterly mads
journalism his profession. He is best known to
the world, however, as the author of 'Hill's
Ohio) Beacon.       Manual of Social and Business Forms,' a book
e oung Xeople may which, though a very large volume, has had the
tl hands of every remarkable sale of over 5o,ooo copies in a very
as it were, uRow up brief time."
is may become a kind
and many a stream     Prom the Chicago Evening Post.
idotherwise separate  "One of the most useful volumes that was
h social and business
are fitted to fill 'Ihe ever laid upon the counting-room desk or the
the list of articles drawing-room table, is 'Hill's Manual of Bugi-
tred a NsESrY in ness Forms.' It is a perfect treasury of krowl-
iely, helping hand to edge; a comlete encyclopadia of ractl  i-
formation Scanning the table of contents, it
is puzzling to conceive how so much can have
been crowded into the confines of a single book
!nn.) Free Press.   -impossible to believe that the half which is
ork of which no writ- there promised can be fulfilled. But turning
a properly adequate overthe pages, one by one, observing the freight
d, that its merits may thew hear, the method of its arrangement, its
,hor seems to have variety and completeness, incredulity is sc-
ost every person and ceeded by astonishment and admiration. The
met these wants than work is a marvel of ingenuity and industry, a
do in volumes; and prodigy of patient and skillful labor."
ct book, which comes
The Preston (Minn.) Republican says:
"Hill's Manual, as a whole, is the outgrowth
Y.) DaiyJour        of many years of preparation, the object of the
arked of individuals author being to give in a concise form, and in one
, -ore in a minute' compendium, much that has been heretofore in-
ialifetime. Whether accessible, and also much that could be obtained
ai compliment to the elsewhere only at great cost, thus placing this
the latter, matters not important information in convenient form for
well-known fact, and ready reference, within the reach of alL In the
incerely r%retted by varied departments of practical, every-day life,
of little things that it will be found at once the faithful tutor, the
onveno'he orr'i
ure, convenenc     reliable guide, and the safe adviser.,
orgotten and beyond   "For the business man or mechantc, the pro-
when most they are fessional man orfarmer, for every lady, the stu-
ing, wha t vexation of dent, the young or old, and pre-eminently for
hat incalculable ma- the family, the work has never had its equal, as
d often accrue were resards real practical utility.

iosL prosperous years o me iast U
in the Louisville Commerc