i, PJ 1A,                            V,ol                    V
Many of the following Poems belong In the Galaxy of those Poetic
Gems-that Mankind will not allow to die.
ETERNAL JUSTICE.                                Plod in thy grave, gray Anchorite:
Be wiser than thy peers ;
BY CHARLES MACKAY.                              Augment the range of human power,
And trust to coming years.
They may call thee wizard, and monk accursed,
HE man is thought a knave or fool,                         And load thee with dispraise ;
Or bigot plotting crime,                             Thou wert born five hundred years too soon
Who, for the advancement of his race,                    For the comfort of thy days.
Is wiser than his time.                              But not too soon for human kind:
For him the hemlock shall distill,                       Time hath reward in store ;
For him the axe be bared;                            And     demons of our sis bcome
For him the gibbet shall be built;                       The saints that we adore.
For him the stake prepared :                         The blind can see, the slave is lord;
Him shall the scorn and wrath of men                     So round and round we run
Pursue with deadly aim ;                             And ever the wrong is proved to be wrxpg,
And malice, envy, spite, and lies,                       And ever is justice done.
Shall desecrate his name.
But truth shall conquer at the last,                   Keep, Galileo, to thy thought,
For round and round we run,                            And nerve thy soul to bear;
And ever the right comes uppermost                     They may gloat over the senseless words they wrin
And ever is justice done.                              From the pangs of thy despair:
