184- ST

un a view to marriage, Owing I.a . pior
mu of worth and respectability, which con-
I to regret.
it excellent qualities, and the compliment
7, my.daghter unites with me In the wish
companion in every way calculated to
Yours Very Respectfully,

I appreciate you for
rduct towards your
ang man, were it not
a very delicate sub-
e you oiTense. But,
and state my objec-

III aisgui at itte ueJur-.u
Ith the stench of tobacco smoko.
torals. All the amsociations of tobacco
id men use tobacco. It is also a truth
I is addicted to its use. To smoke, in
place where others smoke. In that
nage, and every speciesof vulgarity.
xception. The fact is patent, how-
,ulgarity and obscenity prevail, there
.r, and the vile spittle on the floor.
ag thus plainly. I love you too well
)ject. I could not possibly constantly
us that I have given.
innot consent that you should bcstow
It would instinctively repel you. B_-
crimstances, that our further corrLs-
ur Friend and Well-wisher,

Letter to an Entire Stranger.
4' 8 - ST., Jan. 1,18-.

i, which, I trust,
ive me at least

a uing

Unfavorable Reply.