Teachers should furnish paper for students,
SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS.       and care for the books when not in use by the
pupils.  Students may take charge of the
*       WRITING School conducted thus,    other muaterias required.
according to the foregoing ar-     The strictest order should be m
rangenient of lessons, the princi-  No whispering ought to be allowed. S
ples of penmanship   being  ex-  ness should reign in the school that every
plicitly illustrated on the black-  scratching pen may be distinctly heard.
board and taught by a thoroughly   To secure order the teacher will notice when
competent teacher, will be of great  the first evidence of restlessness begins to mani
and lasting service to the community in which  fest itself in the class; certain students becom-
it is held, and will afford every member of the  ing tired of writing. If this uneasiness is-allowed
class a season of highly profitable enjoyment.  to continue twenty minutes, the school will bo
Of course the success of the school mainly   oftentimes a scene of confusion, but upon the
depends upon the teacher. The instructor is, first appearance of weariness, the attention of
in fact; the life and soul of the class. If he  the class should be directed for a short time to
possess love of order, tact, versatility, know-  the blackboard, or the time may be occupied for
ledge of human nature, self-possession, with  a little while by some story, humorous or other-
ability to illustrate, explain and entertain his  wise, having a bearing upon writing; listening to
class with story and anecdote pertaining to  ivhich the students become rested, and proceed
writing, he will find his classes large and the  with their practice afterwards with pleasure.
profession of teaching writing as profitable to  Having invited the leading citizens of the
himself and as beneficial to the public as any  town to visit the school, call upon them fre-
upon which he can enter.                     quently for remarks to the class on the subject
Should teaching writing be chosen as a pro-  of writing. From the business and professional
fession fol a series of years, it is well for the  men who may thus address the class the
teacher td select a dozen or twenty villages in  teacher and pupils may oftentimes gain many
which to teach, and give instruction in each of  valuable ideas, the class will be encouraged,
these localities, once or twice a twtlvemonth  and better discipline will be secured.  The
for years in succession rather than teach over a  great secret of preserving good order in sciool
very wide range of country.  The teacher's is to keep the mind of the students constantly
reputation thus becomes established, the profes-  employed with the work in hand.
ion is dignified and ennobled; people knowing  The subjects pertaining to writing are abun-
the worth of the school are free to patronize,  dant, and it becomes the teacher to study and
and thus the avocation is made much more     present them to the class in familiar lectures
pleasant and profitable to the teacher.      as occasion demands. Many of the succeeding
TI e outline of instruction given for the fore- xhapters of this book afford subject matter,
going series of lessons is but abrief epitome of  from which the teacher of penmanship can
what each lesson ought to be. The enumer-    obtain topics to discuss, that will entertain and
ation of subjects may guide the young teacher  instruct the class, while the instructor should,
somewhat, but the whole should be greatly    at the same time, be on the alert for practical
elaborated, and will be, by the ingenious teacher,  subjects to illustrate his work, from whatever
as circumstances demand.                     source they may be obtained.  For example,
The usual charge for a course of instruction  how character can be told from      p
of2 l       is  om  .to. 5 prpupil           whatfaultiesofmindare          ehe