14TABEO                                                 COTNS
IMPORTANT FACTS.                          Other Association,-On the Death of a Clergyman,
Name, Place of Residence, Age, When Elected,               -                          PublicOfficer Upon
Length of Time in Office, et. of th Prsdnso             Retirement,-Resolutions Complimenting Captain
the United States,-Height of Monu t, owe  ,            of Steamer on a Sucessful Voyage,-Resolutions
etc.,--Capacity of Larg Rom,Peid of Di-.                Thanking Conductor and Commending a Railway,      2o6
gesio,-riinofPlnt,-Nube of Voue                 Resolutions at a Temperance Meeting,-Resolutions
i                                                       on the Departure of a Clergyman,-Resolutions
on the Departure of a Sunday-School Teacher,-
POPULATION OF CITIES.                       Resolutions Favorable to Forming an Association,
Population of the Principal Cities of the World, -         -           Remonstrating Against a Nuisance,
The Population of All the Principal Cities in the        -Resolutions at a Stockholders' Meeting, in Favor
United States, at the Last Census, Compared with        of a Certain Route,                              207
the Census of Ten Years Before,                  Ig - 'o  Resolutions Instructing Members of the Legislature,
-Resolution of Thanks to the Officers of a Con.
UNITED STATES PUBLIC DEBT.                      vention,  -                                      208
Expenditures and Public Debt of the United States
Each Year, from the First Report to the Present                             PEITION.
Time,                                            91   Gener   Sggestions,-Petitions to a Ci Council,-
"OIVEN4 NAMES OF PEOPLE,                       For Opening a Street,-Remonstrating Against a
iven Narmes, of Men and Women, in Ordinary Use,    192    Nuisance,-Asking for a Policeman,-Petitions to
DISTANCES BY LAND AND WATER.                      the State Legislature,-- Petition from  Farmers
Distances from New York to the Principal Cities of        Asking for the Extermination of the Canada
tThistle,-Petition from Farmers, Relative to Stock
the Wrld,        "      "                               Running at Large,-Petition to the Governor, Ask-
FORKION WORDS AND PHRASES.                       ilg for the Pardon of a Criminal, -  -     -
Latin Words and Phrases,- French Words and                             PUBLIC CELEBRATIONS.
Phrases, with Pronunciation,        -      -     194
Spanish Words and Phrases,-Italian Words and            General Suggestions Concerning Arrangements,-
P.hrases                                         195    Fourth of July,-Calling a MeetingtoLearn the
Feeling of the People,  -      -
LIST OF MODERN ABBREVIATIONS.                   Appointment of the Necessary Officers and Commit-
Abbreviations Alphabetically Arranged for Use in          tees to Make the Celebration a Success--Public
Writing,                     196-97-198-199-200-201     Dinners,-Picnics and Festivals, -     -     -     21o
General Directions R.elating to Drafting Constitu-      ExampIes,-For a Christmas Dinner,-For a Thanks-
tions,                                           2 02   giving Festival,-For the Fourth of July,-For a
Form of Constitutions, By-Laws, and Order of Exr          Wooden Wedding,-For the Tin Wedding,-For
cises when Conducting a Meeting,           -     203    the Crystal Wedding,-For the Silver Wedding,-
CALLS FOR PUBLIC MEETINCS.                      For the Golden Wedding, 2-    -      -           211
Forms of Warding in Calling Public Meetings,-                             PBLIC MEXTINCS.
Forms of Headings, -tExamples, - "Democratic                       Prg    i    MEEtiO     s     m
Rnly,"-" School Meeting,"-" Old Settlers' Re-        How to Call, Organize, and Conduct Public Assem-
union,"-" Firomen's Reiew,"-' Woman Suffrage            blies,-General Directions Relating to the Prelim-
Convention,"-" Hot for Horse Thieves,"-  Rail-          inary Steps to be Taken, in Order to Call a Public
road Meeting,"                                   204    Meeting,-Form of Call for a Meeting,  -     -     212
"Fourth of July,"-" Shall We Have an Agricultural       Selection of a Cbairman,-Appointment of a Secre-
Fair?-"Eight Hour Meeting,"-" Temperance               tary,-Orderof Business,-Committee on Res.lu
Convention "-" Vermonters Attention I" -         2 o5  tions,        -         -      -            -     213
Adjournment,- The Secretary's Report, -Govern-
RESOLUTIONS.                           ment of Conventions,                             2 .   214
Forms of Resolutions Appropriate for Many Occa-                        PARUAMENTARY RULES.
sions,-Resolutions Complimenting a Teacher,-                         P
Resolutions of Respect and Condolence on the          Rules of Order in Conduoting Public Meetings,  -   215
Death of a Free-Mason,                          2 05                                 216-217-218-2rg-220-21
On the Death of a Member of Any Society, Club, or                                       222-223-224-225-6-227