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Articles of Agreement.

.I agreement is virtually a contract,
by which a certain person, or per-
sons, agrees or contracts to perform
certain duties within a specified
It is of much importance, in all
matters upon which may arise a
difference of opinion, or misunder-
at contracts be reduced very ex-
rriting, tbereby frequently saving
the contract, a long and expensive
particular form is necessary.
ts should show that they are made
Lable consideration, else they are

Unless it is expressly stipulated that the agree-
?nt is binding for a longer time, the coitract
pires at the end of one year.
While a signature, or marks, written with a
nell, if proven by witnesses, are good in law,
is always "safest to execute the contract with

or misrepresentation by
tent, or changing of the
,ct void.
uld state most distinctly
its conditions are to be

Copies of an agreement should always be pre-
pared in duplicate, and each party to the agree-
ment should retain a copy.

General Form of Agreement.
Tius AGREEMENT, made the First day of August, iS-, be-
tween Isaac E. Hill, of Irish Grove, County of Atchison, State
of Missouri, of the first part, and Vard Blevins, of the same
place, of the secQnd part -
WITNESSETH{, that the said Isaac E. Hill, in consideration
of the agreement of the party of the second part, hereinafter
contained, contracts and agrees to and with the said Vard
Blevins, that he will deliver, in good and marketable condition, at
the village of Corning, Mo., during the month of September, of this
year, One Hundred Tons of Prairie Hay, in te following lots,
and at the following specified times; namely, twenty-five tons
by the seventh of September, twenty-five tons additional by the
fourteenth of the month1, twenty.five tons more by the twenty-
first, and the entire one hundred tons to be all delivered by. the
thirtieth of September.
And the said Vard Blevins, in consideration of the prompt
fulfillment of this contract, on the part of the party of the first
part, contracts to and agrees with the said Isaac E. Hill, to
pay for said hay six dollars per ton, for each ton as soon as do-
In case of failure of agreement by either of the parties here-
to, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the party so failing
shall pay to the other, One H1undred Dollars as fixed and set-
tled damages.
In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands the day
and year first above written.