PARTNERSHIP.                            Writing on Newspapers-Papers for Newsdealers,
General Suggestions Relating to Partnerships,  -    164     Postal Cards,    -
Form of Partnership Agreement,   -                  165   Postal Cards and Other Matter,-Forwarding Postal
WILLS.                              Cards,-Advertising on Postal Cards,-Can Be
General Definition, and Law Relating to Wills,  -   x       Used hut Once,-Sending Postal Card for Reply,-
Codicils,         and L                       -     166     Heavy Packages, - Book Packages, -Articles of
Generls For  of a Will ..... Real and Pe l P        67     Merchandise,-Limit of Weight that Can Be Car-
Gneral Form of a WiUl for Real ad Personal                 r ied by Mail, - Packages of Clothing,- Photo-
perty, odi  il,- r    W     w                  68     araphs,--Official Matter,- Concealing Matter,-
Short Form of WilLu-Form of Will, where Property            Mail Carriers,--Private Compensation,  -    -
is Left to Wife Absolutely,-Form  of Will, with         Exempt from Military and Jury Duty,-Holidays,-
Entire Property Left to Wife, for Life or Widow-          Carrying Letters Outside the Mail,-Registered
hood, with Disposition of the Same after her Mar-         Letters,-Penalty for Detaining Letters,-Money
raeor t)eath, Provision being made for Mai-               Orders, - Changing Money   Orders, -Limit of
taning Children, etc.,-Legacies to Executors,  -  169     Amount in Money Orders, Wen Money Order is
Nuncupative Will,- Affidavit to the Foregoing,-A            Lost,-Who May Corect on Money Order,       -
Short Form of Will, Conveying the Entire Real            Postge   o L ey      lette   Orde,       -
and Personal Pro    to the Wife of the Testator,        Poste on Letters,-On Letters Forwardet Le-
-ClasesforInsrtio inWils,-Cancllig Dbtsters with      Canceled Stamps, -Dkop Letters.-
-.Clases for Insertin Wills,ancelling Debts            Unpaid Letters,-Letters to the P. O. Department,
that Are or May Be Due, -170                              -Writing on the Outside of a Letter in Addition
Desiring that Difference of Opinion about Provisions        to the Address,-Penalty for Retarding the Mail,-
of the Will be Settled by Arbitrators,-Providing          Private Post Offices,-Using Old Stamps,-Peialty
that the Wife Shall Have the Custody of the Chil-         for Injuring Mail Boxes,-Punishment for Opening
dren, and Appointing a Guardian in Case of Her            Letters that Belong to Another,-Letters to Ficti-
Death,     .      .     .      .      .     .     171     tious Persons,          .      .     .      .
SUBSCRIPTION PAPERS.                                            COPYRIGHT.
General Directions for Writing them,-Form of a            Directions for Securing Copyright under the Revised
Subscription Heading,   ..     .     .      .     nTz     Act of Congress,  -     -      -     -  -
EXEMPTIONS FROM FORCED SALES.                                    TABLES OF REFERENCE.
Abstract of State Laws, Showing the Amount of Real        Foreign and United States Gold Coins, - Their
Estate and P6rsonal Property Exempt from Sale             Weight, Fineness, and Value, Assayed in the United
and Execution in each State in the Union,   -     172     States Mint,-Foreign and United States Silver
UNITED STATES POSTAL LAWS.                        Coins,-Weightsand Measures,   -      -     -
Rates of Postage,-Suggestions on Sending Mail                   WEIGHTS, MEASURES, HEAT AND OLI
Matter,-Review of Postal Regulations on Matters         Wrights of Metals,-Weights of Woods,-Degrees of
of General Interest to the People, According to the       Heat and Cold,- Ages of Animals,-Value of