ds of the

" Resolved, That he carries with him, on leaving the position which
he has so satisfactorily filled, the regard and go6d wishes of all who
had occasion to transact official business with him.
" Resolved, That his late associates in office regard his return to pri-
vate life as a loss to them, while they sincerely hope that It will prove
a gain to him, and trust that his future willbe as bright and prosperous
as he can anticipate or desire.
"Resolved, That the secretary of the meeting be requested to trans-
mit to him the preamble and resolutions adopted on this occasion.

Club, or Other  Resolutions Complimenting a Captain of a Steamer on a
                        Successful Voyage.

e sustained by the
-, and of the
were nearest and

and sor-


"At a meeting of the cabin passengers of the steamship
-, Captain -, arrived at this port from -, on the -
inst., the following preamble and resolution were unanimously
"In token of our grateful remembrance of the watchful
seamanship and agreeable social qualities displayed by Captain
- and his officers during our late voyage from - to this
port ; be it
R"esolved, That If skill in navigation, urbane and gentlemanly
attention to the wants and wishes of the passengers, and a sound,
swift, and comfortable vessel, are among the essentials of a pleasant
voyage, then we have reason to congratulate ourselvus on having
crossed the sea in the good ship  -, Captain - ; that we tender
to him, and to all the officers of the vessel, our thanks for the kindness
with which they administered to our comfort; that we commend the
ship, her appointments, her commander, and his subordinates, to the
favor of the voyaging public, because we are of opinion that they
deserye it; and, that we hereby request the gentleman acting as
secretary of this meeting to see that a copy of this testimonial be
placed in the hands of Captain  -."
(Signed by -   , etc.)

of its earthly  Resolutions Thanking a Conductor, and Commending a
f our deceased
atiy commend    "At a meeting of the passengers on the Palace Sleeping and
eye upon the  Dining Car -    nearing their journey's end, June 2, 1872, at
a faithful and  - , the following preamble and complimentary resolutions
it is well with  were unaninrously adopted :
" WHErPAS, It has been the good fortune of the persons
iose who were  comprising this meeting to make a safe, quick, and most
ties, we share  delightful passage from -   to - , over the -   railroad;

is are due, and are hereby tendered, to the
t-, for the numerous favors received
 journey; and we commend him for the
eable qualities which characterize him as
a for the position he now holds.
lation is especially due the railroau con-
nmmodations furnished travelers in their
coaches, and the superior condition of the
3 so smooth that the traveler rides over the
s much ease and pleasure as when seated