88                         FORMS OF BUSINESS LETTERS.

lished, style of binding, price at which it is
advertised, etc. Thus, a careless person order-
ing of Harper & Brothers a United States
History will say, "Send me a United States
History."     Of course the first query of the
shipping clerk is, " Wloe history?"         There
are many histories of the United States pub-
lished by as many different authors, and the
clerk is liable to send the one not wanted, in
which case the person ordering is very likely to
unjustly blame Harper & Brothers.
If the writer should say, "Send me a copy
of Willard's History of the United States, by
Emma Willard, published byA. S. Barnes & Co.,
bound in cloth," there would be no liability to
mistake. The following will serve as sample
Form of Letter Ordering Books.
RocKrou, ILL., March 1, 1873.
Missas. JANeSEN, McCLuRG & Co.,
Chicago, IL.,
1)ear Sirs:
Enclosed find draft for $4&7rh for which please
send, by American Express,
10 Tennyson's Poems, Published by Harper & Bros. $1.25 $12.50
IC Thirty Years in the Harem.  "" "      1.50  15.00
10 Literature and Art, by'. Fuller. " Fowler & Wells. 1.00  10.00
5 Getting on in the World, Mathews.  Griggs & Co. 2.25  11.25
Thanking you for the promptitude M    you have filled my
orders heretofore, I am,         efu
"Very Respectfull D

Form of an Order to a Dry Goods Merchant.

Mrsas. A. T. STEWART & Co.,
New York,
Dear Mrs:

April 5, 1873.

Enclosed find Post Office Order for M  for which
please send, by American Express, the following goods:
2 Lancaster table spreads ($3.50)                   $ 7.00
4 pre. Alexandre Kid Gloves ( i80), No. 6%, Brown,
Green, Yellow, Black.                          10.00
8 yds. Calico, Brown with small figure (25c.)        2.00
12 "      "   White   "   "   pink dot "              3o.
2 Linen Handkerchiefs (Oc.)                          1.00
4 prs. Ladies' Cotton Hose (60c.), No. 9,             2.00

Direct to


From a Young Man Commencing Business, to a Wholesale
House, with Order.

RACINE, Wis., Aug. 10,18-.

MzssRs. FIELD, LzrTER & Co.,
Chicago, III.,

Having recently commenced business for myself,
with fair prospects of success, I shall be pleased to open an account
with your house, and trust it will be to our mutual advantage. Should
you think favorably of the matter, you will please fill the accompa-
nying order with the least possible delay and on your best tQrms.
For testimonlals,I refer you to Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co.. of your
city, by whom I have been, until recently, employed; but as this is
my first transaction with your house, upon forwarding me an invoice
of goods and deducting your usual discount for cash, I will remit a
sight draft on the First-National Bank of your city, for the amount,
by return mail. Expecting your usual prompt attention, I am,
Yours Respectfully,
Reply from Wholesale House, with Invoice.
Cn,cioo, Aug. 12,18--.
Racine, Wis,
Dear Sir:
We take pleasure In sending this day, by your order,
the enclosed Invoice of goods, amounting to $1,400, subject to 5 per
cent discount  prompt cash.
Your references being entirely satisfactory, we have no hesitation
in opening an account and allowing you our best terms. Trusting
that the goods, which are shipped by express, will arrive safely and
meet your favor, we are,
Yours Truly,

Requesting Information Concerning the Opening of a Store.
BosTox, MAsS., Sept. 18, 18-.
Bennington, Vit.,
Dear Sir:
My partner and myself being desirous of establish-
ing a branch store in th Clothing trade, I take the privilege of a
friend in asking you to send me the number of Clothing stores already
in your village, and such other information as may be necessary, con-
cerning the feasibility of establishing our business in your place. An
early reply will greatly oblige, Yours Very Truly,

Answer to the Foregoing,

Boston, Mass.,
Dear Sr:

BxNINeTow, VT., Sept. 20,18-.

I have taken occasion to enquire in relation to the
extent and number of Clothing stores In this place, and am happy to
inform you that, while that department of trade Is very fairly repre-
sented, there seems to be a good opening for a first class store, such as
your house would undoubtedly establish.
There is also a large store just vacated, In the center of the village.
one of the best locations In the town, which can be had at reasonable
rent. Hoping that you may carry out your design of locating here,
and trusting that you may realize your expectations, I am,
j1W Yours Truly,

- T&