Fourth of July !
The liberty-loving citizens of Eagleville, who desire to participate
this year at home in a genuine, old-fashioned Fourth of July celebra-
tion, such as will make the American Eagle proud of the village that
bears his name, will meet at Allen's Hall next Saturday evening, at 8
o'clock, to consider the advisability of holding such celebration.
Shall We have an Agricultural Fair?
Agrdultnrists, Horticulturists, Mechanics, Artists and others, favor-
able to the .stablishmet of an Agricultural and Mechanics' Fair,
ar dsired to meet at the Town Hall, next Monday evening, June 20,
at 8 o'clock, to take the necessary steps towards perfecting such organ-
Eight Hour Meeting.
All mechanics, artisans, laborers, and others, who favor making
eight hours a legal day's work, that they may occasionally see their
wives and children during the winter months, in the day time, are re-
quested torneet in Boyd's Hall, Monday evening, June 14, at 8 o'clock,
on which occasion the meeting will be addressed by that distinguished
advocate of the rights of the working man, Hon. Archibald P. Green.

Temperance Conve
mperance, independent

Ity, by

uome up ara nelp us, sons, 1usanUs, ain
daughters, wives, mothers t We want the ii
Dr. Carr, the eloquent champion of temp
Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. John Berryman, Rev. Dr. V
participate in the discussions of the conventi
world-renowned musican, will add interestt
in the singing.
The convention will continue In session tN
Wednesday evening by Rev. H. D. Williams, s
in the closing address, by Mrs. John B,rryma

Vermontes Attention I
All Vermonters, resident in this city and vicinity, who are favorable
to holding a Vermonters' pic nic sometime during July or August, are
requested to meet next Wednesday afternoon, June 15, at Judge Miller's
office in Canton, to arrange time, place, and programme of exercises
for that occasion.


Appropriate for Many Occasions.

ESOLUTIONS are a brief, terse method, sueR"esolve
1)                                     superior, c!
of expressing the opinions and senti-               ably intoI
ments of a company of people relative       ton, u 01
to any subject which it is desirable to discuss     s,lve,a
or place on record.                                 country, as
They are applicable to nearly any subject,       goodinan
and should be characterized by the utmost brev-     given this,
ity consistent with a clear expression of the idea  city again,

TT,h       Vi- l.m