u oiSult your WisnCs, in cvery particuia a  tLmO 11111"L Cg r
view, the form    of which      and rturaing. Waiting an early reply to this, I remain,
reafter.   A   gentleman in                                     Most Sincerely,
s considerable risk of re-
Sthe    lady, though      not                         Reply Accepting.
take a little more time,
the lady is, and obtain an           S8                               -   ST., April 7,18-
a  mutual acquaintance.                   Dear Sir: I thank you for your very kind invitatlon, v
nt attends such a meet-           am happy to accept. I will appoint next Mounday evening, at 1
time, if you will call for me, at our house, I will accompany you.
I the lady's antecedents,                             Yours Sincerely,
oduced     in  which she is                                        CLARA FARRINGTOS
he first interview    can -be
Reply Refusing.
ved   for the opening of a         M1                                   - ST,, Apr ,
I             MR. STEVENSON,
may be done by a note                    Dear Sir: I am grateful to you for your very polite in
l ion, but as I should go only with my own family, were I to al
o any entertainment sup-         any place of amusement, I am tnable to avail mys lf of your I
nto her, or the further ss. Thanking you, I remain,
Yours Truly,
Ltance by correspondence,                                          CLARA FARRINGTO
148 -- ST., July 2, 18-.                    Reply with Conditions.