In aI VParto of t!e

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[IS Book is attaining an immense circulation,
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stantly increasing with unparalleled rapidity, the
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Froft the 11 Statesman," Austin, Toxas.                                             From. k. v.  of -.t "le    J. S. Mati, Gold
Fromthe"Sttesmn,"Ausin,Texa. Fom     on.Sehuyler Colfax, late vice-     -I hasve canvasseid for Hil
"It is a book that no professional or business 2 Presit of the United States.      days, and taken 2   orders."
man ought to be without."                                      SOUTH BEND, I,n).
MYDRAISIR: I have examined with interest
From the "Churchman$" San Francisco, and also with surprise your JManua o Social From J. W. England, PI
CaL                    and Business Forms,' and find It really an en-  "The book takes well, aii
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PROr. THOS. E. HILL, Aurora, Ill.                                   Writos: "Our canvass in I
From the "Detroit Free Press."                                                   bids fair to reach 350 subsr
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rau wll see after examining it fve minutes.  Says: "This is the best boo
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From the "Daily Times," Denver, Col. ness is done, how to put things in good sha    pie to save money and inal
"The book Is an original, elegant, and won- and the rf. sli pe, this book is invaluabe  they cannot afford to be withc
derfully Comprehensive volume           l nke t,             could have found such
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From the "-republie
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