Two or more words, closely allied in sense,
may be joined into a phrase, where the signs
composing the words unite readily, thus adding
to both the speed and legibility of the writing.
Of the, with it, it is, in such a way, I will be, I
The first inclined or perpendicular consonant
sign should rest upon the line - the other signs
following in their proper direction.   Example:
Seek always to form a free, flowing, graceful
outline. The most easily written forms are the
most beautiful, and vice versa.
We have given, of this system, only a synop-
sis of the fully written Common Style, but suf-
ficient, however, to explain the merits and prin-
ciples of Tachygraphy. Those who wish to fit
themselves for verbatim writing are referred to
the work entitled, "The Note Taker. A Trea-
tise on the Second Style of Lindsley's Brief
Writing, for- the use of Lawyers, Editors, Re-
porters, Students, and all persons desirous of
taking full notes in Courts of Record, Profes-
sional Schools, Seminaries, and Public Assem-
blies." Published by the firm to which we
have before alluded.
The following Extracts are from Pope's
Essay on Man.
Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,,
As, to be hated, needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure,  then pity, then embrace.

Pope's Essay on Man.-Second Epistle.
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