Dulles, John Foster-Continued
  United Nations, U.S. relations with:
      Arrangements for, 2n, 4-5, 34,
      34n, 38, 43; general U.S. policy
      toward, 58n, 103, 106
Dumbarton Oaks Conference, 8, 127,
    127n, 129, 2.54n, 268, 525, 658, 714,
    714n, 719, 798, 806, 834n, 956, 956n
Dunn, James Clement. 5, 350, 1112n,
    1118, 1118n, 1122, 1141
Dunnett, L. J., 1473
Durbrow, Elbridge, 679-680
Dzung, K. W., 483, 483n

Eastern Europe, 120, 122, 134, 143, 167,
    170, 177, 179, 191-192, 198, 201, 207,
    209-211. 209n, 210n, 212n, 214, 219,
    229, 240, 243, 1168, 1393, 1422, 1430
Eaton, Charles A., 2n, 4-5, 5n, 34, 34n,
    38, 43, 314, 316, 469-470
Eberstadt, Ferdinand, 758. 758n, 814,
    843-845, 859, 869-872, 881-885, 888-
    891, 906-910, 939-944, 947, 955-959,
    969-971, 986, 1025-1029, 1061n, 1072
Eccles, Marriner S., 1399-1402, 1408,
    1417-1418, 1420-1424, 1426, 1430-
    1431, 1433-1434
Ecuador, 154, 160, 164, 166. 198, 493,
    1050n, 1273, 1386-1387; U.S. bases
    in, 1116-1117, 1175-1177 1181
Eddy, William A., 1185, 1185n
Eden, Anthony, 159n, 167, 183
Egypt, 15. 18, 121, 134-139, 136n, 137, 146,
    154-155, 157, 170, 180, 189-191, 194,
    199-200, 206. 210, 215-216, 216n,
    225, 234, 236, 242, 245, 285, 382, 434,
    475n. 493, 683n, 898, 906n, 922, 929,
    991-992. 1068, 1085n. 1157, 1368,
    1386-1387, 1454; air transit rights
    at Payne field (Cairo), U.S. mili-
    tary, 1144, 1181; Export-Import
    Bank, question of loans to Egypt,
    1416, 1420; military assistance to,
    U.S. policy regarding. 1157-1158
Eire. See Ireland.
Eisenhower, General of the Army
    Dwight D., 159, 159n, 737, 737n. 774,
    852n. 854-856. 967,1054n, 1207
Ellice Islands. See Funafuti.
El Salvador, 169, 187, 207. 493
Embick. Lt. Gen. Stanley D.. 1120. 1120n
Ericksson. Herman, 227n, 399, 399n
Eritrea. 1182
Esin, Seyfullah, 239-240, 239n
Esmer. Sukru. 484n
Espiritu Santo, 1117, 1175, 1177, 1180
Ethiopia, 138, 155-157, 165-166, 203,
    207. 493, 1386-1387; Export-Import
    Bank, question of loan to, 1435;
    military assistance to, U.S. policy
    regarding, 1158
Evatt. Herbert V.. 119, 119n, 129, 134,
    140, 180, 292, 292n, 303, 435. 435n.
    679n, 680-681, 681n, 709, 859-860,
    859n, 873, 916

Exchange rates, par values. See Ini-
   tial par values.
Exchange stability, 1384n
Export-Import Bank of Washington.
    See under United States.
Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, 1405,

Pack, Robert, 228
Fahy, Charles, 34, 38, 42-43, 43n, 58n,
    89-90, 92-99, 101-103, 108, 115n,
    214, 290n, 293-294,329,331-333,335,
    531-534, 531n, 534n, 536, 538-539,
    542-543, 656-657, 662, 671n, 781,
    781n, 786, 859, 859n, 871, 969, 971,
    992, 1040, 1043, 1060, 1083, 1185,
    118Bn, 1188
Fairchild, Maj. Gen. Muir S., 1120,
Falkland Islands, 1492, 1493n, 1494
Far East (see also Asia), 207, 247,1023,
    1131-1133, 1138, 1148, 1152-1153,
    1165, 1393, 1416, 1422
Farrell, Maj. Gen. Thomas F., 897-898,
    897n, 906, 908-910, 937, 940
Fawzi, Mahmoud, 1068, 1074, 1081
Federal Reserve System, 1400
Federation of Atomic Scientists, 941
Federation of British Industries, 1303
Feller, A. H., 71n, 98-99, 99n, 134n, 530
Fiji Islands. See Viti Levu.
Finland, 1150. 1168
  Admission to the U.N. See U.N.: Mem-
      bership: States considered.
  Export-Import Bank, question of loan
      to Finland, 1416, 1420, 1429, 1436
Five Powers (China-France-U.S.S.R.-
    U.K.-U.S.), 134-136, 142, 161, 193,
    202, 205-207, 224, 254, 259n, 266,
    270-271, 288, 309-311, 320, 330, 336-
    337, 341, 343, 350-352, 354, 400,
    403n, 466, 489-490, 556-557, 568,
    572-573, 590, 652, 667, 677, 686, 690,
    705n, 715, 720, 728, 747, 759, 765,
    770, 779-773, 776, 834, 834n, 845,
    890, 908, 913, 916, 931, 1126, 1270
Five Powers, U.S. minutes of informal
    meetings of (London): Jan. 9, 141-
    147; Jan. 10, 148-151; Jan. 11, la3-
    156; Jan. 20, 161-163; Jan. 23, 166-
    169; Jan. 25, 183-184
Fleming, D. F., 58n, 885, 906
Fleming, William, 1465, 1465n
Flournoy, Richard W., 80, 80n
Food and Agriculture Organization
    (FAO), 77n, 123, 162, 445, 463n,
    477, 507, 507n, 510-514, 1278, 1348,
    1361, 1444, 1444n
Foote, Wilder, 45-47, 45n, 329, 452. 452n.
Foreign loans, U.S. commitments re-
    garding (see also United States:
    National Advisory Council on In-
    ternational Monetary and Financial
    Problems (NAC)):