question which is being forwarded to Dept by despatch.14 Summary of
memo is as follows:
  Chilean Government decree 1747 of November 6, 1940, established
boundaries of Chilean Antarctic territory. In view of Argentine ob-
servations in this regard, representatives of Chile and Argentina met
in Santiago March, 1941, to discuss common boundary of their Ant-
arctic territories. No definitive agreement was reached during these
conversations, and it was decided that conversations would continue
at a later date in Buenos Aires. Owing to war and political conditions
in Argentina, it was not possible to renew them. Almost six years have
elapsed without conversations taking place. After removal of afore-
mentioned obstacles, Argentina has now expressed desire to continue
negotiations and Chilean Government is agreeable to this suggestion.
It is hoped that conversations will be renewed in near future in Buenos
Aires. In 1943, Argentine vessel Primero de Mayo visited Antarctic
region and three Chilean Naval officers participated in this expedition
at request of Argentine Government. As a matter of reciprocity Chile
offered to invite three Argentine officers to participate in next Chilean
expedition to Polar region. Owing to necessity of utilizing all its naval
vessels to patrol extensive coasts during war, it has not been possible
to send a Chilean Antarctic expedition up to present. Chile has now,
however, decided to send a frigate to Polar region next February, and
in conformance with agreement with Argentina, has invited 3 Argen-
tine Naval officers to participate in expedition.

800.014 Antarctic/12-2346: Telegram
The Minister in New Zealand (Warren) to the Secretary of State

SECRET                    WELLINGTON, December 23, 1946-5 p. m.
                                [Received December 23-6: 10 p. m.]
  616. McIntosh,'5 under instructions of Prime Minister,'6 called me to
his office this afternoon, handed me a tentative draft note (which is
being forwarded by following telegram) 17 and requested my comment.
At same time I was shown a more lengthy proposed press release on
generally similar lines. I pointed out to McIntosh that New Zealand
Government was familiar with American position in regard to Ant-
arctic claims (which he had correctly stated in conversation), that I

'4The Chilean Foreign Office memorandum under reference was transmitted to
the Department as an enclosure to despatch 14,744, December 20, from, Santiago,
neither printed.
"5A. D. McIntosh, Director of the Office of the New Zealand Prime Minister.
'B Peter Fraser.
  "Telegram 617, December 23, from Wellington, not printed (800.014
12-2346). The draft note under reference here was cancelled. For the final
of the note, forwarded to the Legation on December 24, see infra.