a         KI                what pleasing or-

ond story. The changes in the elevation and the detail on the sec-
ond floor were drawn by Mr. Maher from specifications which Mr.
Riordon furnished, and between them they have certainly managed to
achieve an unusual and satisfying result.
   The front entrance is through the long porch which extends across
the entire front of the building and is divided into a "sitting porch"and
a sleeping porch, the former opening into the big living room, the
latter into one of the bedrooms. Some idea of the substantial comfort
and cheerfulness of the arrangment can be gathered from the photo-
graphs which Mr. Riordon has sent; for as he remarks in his letter to
us, "Photographer Koch has made his lenses do effective work."
   Stepping from the porch into the living room, one is greeted by the
welcome sight of a big, comfortable fireplace nook, where built-in seats
and bookshelves with curtained windows above add to the interest of
the rough brick chimneypiece and tiled hearth.
   The dining room with its wide opening is nearby, so that it seems
almost a part of the large main room, and its wide windows frame a
generous view of the lovely countryside.
   The rest of the floor comprises a small hallway which serves to
shut off the kitchen from the dining room and also separates the two
bedrooms and bath from the rest of the house.
   The woodwork of the interior is especially interesting, for its simple
construction and mellow finish evince the real craftsman spirit, filling
the rooms with an atmosphere of peace and dignity that reminds one
of the quiet forests from which the timber came. Oak flooring is used


iginality the owner
and his assistant
architect, George
W. Maher of Chi-
cago, have adapt-
ed the Craftsman
plan to meet the
special needs of in-
dividual and site.
   The main floor
plan of "Num-
ber Ninety-three"
was carried out
practically as we
had drawn it, and
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