lay of the land on which Craftsman Farms rests,
ep in the sunny New Jersey hills, and the fashion
the development of this land permitting its curves,
ridges and its declivities to be preserved rather
an flattened into conventional outlines, gives to it
individuality, unique and forceful. To make such

               a vast undertaking as the recreation of this estate
take shape and gather beauty has required primarily untold energy,
also an imagination able to foresee results far in the distance.
   The log house that crowns the elevation toward which the drive-
way leads, passing meantime through country well wooded yet open,
may be regarded as the centralization point of this development
which has for its aim the transforming of a fertile strip of country into
farmlands of beauty and utility. From the front of this house wherein
one sits on a long screen-enclosed veranda, extending the home life
and drawing inward the out of doors, a view is commanded over de-
scending grounds toward a strip of flat country which gradually rises
until lost in the background of a wooded ridge. One day this log
structure will be used as a club house for the whole property, its situa-
tion therefore is necessarily that of a permanent center.
   Not far away, at the foot of the vine planted hills are already two
bungalows facing the valley. To the visitor, however, who stands at
the side of this club house and looks in their direction it appears as if
they had outgrown the old notion of there being of necessity a front
and a back to every house, since the rear elevations of these little homes
are as pleasing in outline and conformation to the landscape as either
front or sides. The locust tree at the back of one of these bungalows is
planted at its base with flowers gay in color, while evergreen shrubs
snuggle about its corners giving it throughout the year the softening
touch of verdure.
   At Craftsman Farms the idea is closely held of a friendly communi-
ty. The present bungalows, for this reason, are placed near to the
log house. Others will follow, the permanent house of Mr. Stickley
being placed eventually on a hillside standing somewhat higher than
the present buildings.
   "I like the houses to be grouped together," said Mr. Stickley,
more intimately "the Craftsman.."   "It makes life simpler,
   In truth this sentiment has a very vital meaning in winter-time
when snows lie heavy on the ground and when walking has ceased to
be a pleasure. People still like to draw near together; the primeval
instinct of self protection having been transmuted into the desire for