CHAPTER.                                            PAGE.
I. Natural Phenomenon ........    ................ 13
II. Primitive People ................            20
III. Winnebago Tribe ........    ................... 35
IV. Winnebago Chiefs ........     .................. 57
V. The Coming of Nicolet ....................... 69
VI. The Fox Tribes and the Battleground of the
French and Outagamie ..................... 73
VII. The Menominee Tribe and Chief Oshkosh ...... 120
VIII. Col. Robert Dickson, Icebound ................ 137
IX. John Lawe's Thrilling Plunge Through the Fox
   River Rapids Astride a Chest Containing
   $9,000 in Silver .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
X. When Winnebago County Was Alive With Wild
   Animals ...............................   144
XI. The Beauty of the Virgin Scenery as Described
   by Travelers ........................148
XII. The Trading Post . . . . . . . . .161
XIII. Treaties Made With the Aboriginal Tribes-
    With the Winnebago; With the Menominee..  . . . .173
XIV. Building a County-Its Civic Administration,
   Courts, Schools, Buildings and Institutions.. . .186
XV. Recollections of William W. Wright, Father of
   Oshkosh and Mary Elizabeth Wright, Mother
   of Oshkosh .200
XVI. National and Legislative Representation ....... 227
XVII. Organization of Towns ....................... 230
XVIII. Steam and Sail Boat on the Lake and Rivers in
   Earlier  Days  ..   ...........................  232
XIX. Origin and Meaning of Place Names ........... 235
XX. Population, Wealth and Products of the County . .241
XXI. Literature, Art, Music and the Stage .......... 262
XXTI. Township History .......................... 272

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