tenant October 14, 1861; resigned on account of ill health No-
vember 27, 1862. The company took part in General Curtis'
Arkansas campaign in 1862, General, Davidson's Missouri cam-
paign and General Grant's Mississippi campaign. In action at
Port Gibson, Champion Hill, Big Black river bridge and siege
and capture of Vicksburg. The company was mustered out Sep-
tember 4, 1865, at Mobile, Ala.,
Co. "C," Fourteenth Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry Volun-
teers. This company was in part enlisted from  Winnebago
county during September, 1861, and mustered into the United
States service January 30, 1862, at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. The
company was officered by Capt. W . W. Wilcox, First Lieutenant
Colin Miller and Second Lieut. Alfred Carfee, all of Omro.
Captain Wilcox resigned. March 16, 1865. Lieutenant' Miller
was wounded at a charge on the enemy's works at Vicksburg
and died May 23, 1861.e Lieutenant Carfee resigned April 15,
1863. The battle of Shiloh was the first battle the regiment took
part in and for their determined bravery on this their first field
of battle, their comrades in arms gave them the sobriquet of the
"Wisconsin Regulars." The total loss of the regiment in this
battle was fourteen killed and seventy-nine wounded and miss-
ing. The following from the official report of Colonel Oliver,
commanding the brigade at the battle of Corinth, may be of
interest: "Colonel Hancock and his regiment, the Fourteenth
Wisconsin, there was no discount on--always steady, cool and
vigorous. This regiment was the one to rely upon in any
emergency. Though suffering more loss than any other regi-
ment in the command, they maintained their lines and delivered
their fire with all the precision and coolness which could have
been maintained in drill."
The company took part in the siege of Vicksburg, Atlanta
campaign, Columbia, Tenn.; Tuscembria, Westerford, Shiloh,
Sherman campaign to Atlanta, Nashville, and siege of the Span-
ish fort, battle of Corinth.
The company was mustered out at Mobile, Alabama, October
9, 1865. Co. "C"s loss was: Killed in action, three; died of
wounds, five; died of disease, sixteen.
After the surrender of Vicksburg, on July 4, when the brigade
marched into the city, to the Fourteenth Wisconsin was assigned
the right as the position of honor. General Ransom compli-

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