was busy maturing plans for the development of the water
power and other interests, repairing the old mills, and made
plans for a new sawmill. He made generous offers to those
who would build and improve property, in some cases giving
the lots free, or selling at nominal sums. The Yale and Jones
store was erected on land given them, and James Ladd had
the lot on which the Winnebago hotel was built, the first hotel
in town, and still standing, for $60. Mr. Harvey Jones took up
his residence in a block house near the council tree, living with
Mr. Charles Yale, a brother-in-law. Mr. James Ladd, Deacon
Samuel Mitchell and Mr. L. S. Wheatley arrived in March,
1846, from Dodge county, traveling with a team to the south
bank of the river at Oshkosh, crossing the river by the ferry
and walking over the Indian trail to Neenah. This same year
there arrived in the settlement Mr. Lucius A. Donaldson, Cor-
nelius Northrup, Corydon P. Northrup, Philip and A. B. Brien,
Milton Huxley and family, John F. Johnston, Henry C. Finch.
Thomas and Joseph Jourdain were then living in the block house
across the lake, and Archibald Caldwell was living on the Blair
place with an Indian wife. Others who came this year were
W. H. Scott, A. Jenkins, Salem T. Holbrook, D. C. Darrow,
Alex. Murray, Wm. M. Stewart, Jud. Thompson, Ben Strong,
H. Conrad, John T. Sanbourn, who lived in the block house that
stood on the site of the John R. Kimberly colonial home on
Wisconsin street.

[page 389]