t'By PROF. S. Ii. CAriPENTER, A. M.]

                 Faculty and Instructors,
        *HoE. PAUL A. CHADBOURNE, M. D., LL. D.,
     President and Profetsor of Mental and Moral Philosophy.
                JOHN W. STERLING, IL. D.,
Vice President and Professor of Natural lPhilosophy and Astronomy.
               JOHN B. PARKINSON, A. 1W.,
                  Professor of Mathematics.
             STEPHEN H. CARPENTER, A. ]L.,
          Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature.
                WILLIAM F. ALLEN, A. 1.,
          Professor of Ancient Languages and History.
                JOHN B. FEULING, PH    D.,
    Professor of Modern Languages and Comparative Philology
          *COL. WALTER S. FRANKLIN, U. S. Anxay,
          Professor of Military Science and Engineering.
                  W. W. DANIELS, M1. S.,
        Professor of Agriculture arid Analytical Chemistry.
                 JOHN E. DAVIES, 31. D.,
          Profc-,sor of Natural li:,tory and Chemistry.
               AĆ½DDISON E. VERRILL, A. M1.,
       ?rofessor of Comparative Anatomy, and Entomology.
                   IR. D. IRVING, A.. M.-
          Professor of Geology, Mining and Metallurgy.
                 HON. L. S. DIXON, LL. D.,
        Chief Justice of -he Supreme Court of Wisconsin,
                      Professor ol Law.
               HON. ORSAMUS COLE, LL. D.,
       Associate Justicn of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin,
                      Professor of Law.
                HON. BYRON PAINE, LL. D.,
       Asscciate Justice of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin,
                      Professor of Law.
                 HON. H. S. ORTON, LL. D.,
                    Dean of Law Faculty.
                  J. H. CARPENTER, EsQ.,
                      Prolessor of Law.

                   WM   F. VILAS. LL. B,
                      Professor of Law.
              D. B. FRANKENBURGER, PH. B.,
              Instructor in Preparatory Department.