and same year was member of the
county board of supervisors; was
appointed postmaster at PPortage in
April, 1861. and remained such until
August, 1870. He was elected to the
Assembly without opposition, re-
ceiving 1,331 votes.
  SEcoND DISTmiCT. (Towns of Ar-
lington, Columbts, Prairie,
Hampden, Leeds. Lowville snd Ot-
sogo.) The member is TilOMtAS
SANDEIRSOtN. Rcp.. of LeT-. H.-
was born in Slaidburn, county of
York, Enolandl, Sept. 11, 1ý27: re-
ceived a common school education;
is by occupation a farmer; came to
Wisconsin in 1851, and settled in
Leeds in 186-2; was elected town
treasurer ol Springvale in 1859, and
chairman of the town board of Leeds
in 1861-165. He receives-a i '
against 681 for Silas Axtell, Deni.
   THtRD DIsTRIcT. (Towns of Ran-
 dolph, Scott, Marcellon, Wyocena,
 Springvale, Courtland, Fort Winne-
 bago anuI the west ward of the vil-
 lage of Randolph.) The member is
 of Randolph -P. 0. address, West-
 ford. He was born in the town of
 Lyme, Conn., Feb. 18, 1814 ; recei--ed
 a common school education; is by
 occupation a farmer; came 0 Wis-
 consin in 1847, and settlcd at Beaver
 Dam; removed to Randolph in 1851;
 has held various official no-itlons in
 the town. He was elected to the
 Assembly without opposition, re-
 ceiving 850 votes.
  Contained a population, in 1eO, of
  13,177. it has one mamber,
  of Utica-P. 0. address, Mount Ster-
  ling. He was born in Rodman, Jef-
  ferson county, N. Y., January 08,
  1820; received a limited common
  school educaton ; is a'car-penter and
  joiner by occupation, hut is engaged
  in farming, at present. First came to
  Wisconsin in 1845, and settled at El-
  ba, Dodge county, but returned to
  Ohio in 1849 ; again returned to Wis-
  consin in 1863, and permarently set-
  tled at Mount Sterling. He rece-ived
  821 votes against 770 for Michael
  O'Donnell, Dem.
            DANE COUNTX
  Contained a population, in 1870, of
    53,109, and has five members.
    FIRST DIsRIcT.-(Towns of Albi-
    on, Dunkirk, Rutland, Dunn, Plea-
    sant Springs, Christiana, Cottage
  Grove, Blooming Grove and the vil-
  lage of Stoughton.) The membet is

Rep., of Albion. Ite wa- born in
Stephentov. n. N. Y., September *15,
18-27; received a common school ed-
ucation ; i b1 occipation a farmer
he came to  Viý-consin in 1-ý11 and
settled at Albio'. : wvas chairman of
town bo:.rd ol- -ip rvi-ors in 1S60-t61
-70. Ile rec--vd '-5" votes against
552 for C. Hi. Sire'-, imd.
  S:rco' c  ) i-_ i r.-(Towns of
)     -.     ..:. YrkBistol, Sun
              . -indsor, Viennaand
       Wc');","!e member is KNUDT
 OL-UN ii T_\DAL, Dem., of Deer-
 field. I i-- born in Norway, Oc-
 t iher 1ý;.  received a common
 schcol ,d-clation : isby occupation a
 farm. r : C'a-.c to Wisconsin in 1844,
 fir-t -i.i. t Christiana, Dane Co,
 removingt 1o Decfield in 1846 where
 no has coninued to reside until the
 present time: was elected town
 clerk of Deerfield in 1854, 1857,
 1858 and 1859; town treasurer in
 1856 ; chairman of the town board in
 1862-'63-'64-'65-167-'69, and in 1869
 was a caudidate for the Assembly on
 the Democratic ticket, At the late
 election he received 858 votes against
 751 for Robert B. Sanderson, Rep.
   Tninn DivrRICT.-(Towns of Dane,
 Roxbury, Mazomanie, Black Earth,
 Berty, Sprinafield. Middletcn, Cross
 Plains and Vermont.) Tne m-mber
 of Cross Plains. lie was born in the
 County of Londonderry, Ireland,
 iMarch 9, 18-22; received a common
 school education; is by occupation
 a farmer ; came to Wisconsin in 1860
 and settled at Cross Plains; was
 mayor of Bellefontaine, Ohio, in 1851
 and member of the city council in
 1857, '58, '59; chairman of the town
 of Cross Plains in 1861 and '67. and
 postmaster at Pine Bluff from 1865 to
 186S. He received 1,2-13 votes against
 518 for R. W. Cornes, Rep.
   FouaeIvDtsvTnlCT.--(Towns of Bline
   Mounds, Springdale, Verona, Fitch-
   burg, Oregon, Montrose, Primrose
   and Perry.) Tho uember is OLE
   TORGERSON, Rep, of Perry. Re
   was, born in the city of Bergen, Nor-
   way, March 4, 1826 ; received a com-
   mon school education; is by occupa-
   tion a farmer: came to Wisconsin ia
   1844 and settled at Madison, and re-
   moved to Perry in 1861; in 1860 was
   appointed turnkey, at Waupun, by
   Commissioner Ileg, which place be
   held for nine months; was a mem-
   ber of the town board in 1867 and
   1868. He received. 317 votes, against
   614 for Isaac Howe, Dem.
   FIvTnI DIsTnIcT.-(City and town
   of Madison.) The member is itAR-