officer shall exercise his office after he shall have been impeached, until
acquittal. Before the trial of an impeachment, the members of the court shall
take an oath or afflirmation truly and impartially to try the impeachment,
according to evidence; and no person shall be convicted without the concur-
rence of two-thirds of the members present. Judgment in cases of impeach-
ment shall not extend further than to removal from office, or removal from
office and disqualification to hold any office of honor, profit or trust,
under the
State ; but the party impeached shall be liable to indictment, trial, and
ishment according to law.
   SECTION 2. The judicial power of this State, both as to matters of law
 eqakvy, shall be vestcd in a Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, Courts of Probate
 and inJustices of the Peace. The Legislature may also vest such jurisdiction
 as shall be deemed necessary in mun.cipal courts, and shall have power to
 establish inferior courts ia the several counties, with limited civil and
 inal j'irisdiction. Pro rtded, That the jurisdiction which may be vested
 municipal courts shall not exceed, in their respective municipalities, that
 circuit courts in their respective circuits, as prescribed in this constitution;
 and that the Legislature shall previde as well for the election of judges
of the
 municipal courts as ol the judges of inferior courts, by tha qualified electors
 of the respective jurisdictions. The term of office of the judges of the
 municipal and inlerier ccurts shall not be longer than that of the judges
 the circuit courts.
 SECTION 3. The Supreme Court, except iii cases othervise provided in this
 constitution, shall have appellate jorisdiction only, which shall b- coextensive
 wi h the Slate ; but in no case removed to the Supreme Court, shall a trial
 jury be allowed. The Supreme Court shall have a general superintending
 contol over all inferior courts ; it shall have power to issue writs of
 corpus, mandamus, injunction, quo warranto, certiorari and other original
 and remedial writ s, and to hear and determine the same.
 SECTIO.N 4. For the term of five years, and thereafter until the Legislature
 shall otherwise provide, the judges of the several Circuit Courts shall
 judges of the Supreme Court, four of whom shall constitute a quorum, and
 concurrence of a majority of the judges present shall be necessary to a
 ion. The Legislature shall have power, it they should think it expedient
 necessary, to provide by law for the organization of a separate Supreme
 Court with the jurisdiction and powers prescribed in this Constitution,
 consist of one Chief Justice and two Associate Justices to be elected by
 qualilled electors of the State, at sach time and in such manner as the
 ture may provide. The separate Supreme Court, when so organized, shall
 not be changed or discontinued by the Legislature; the judges thereof shall
 be so clissified that but olre of thim shall go out cf office at the same
 and their term of office shall be the same as provided for the judges of
 Circuit Court. And whenever thde Legislature may consider it necessary to
 cstablish a separate Supreme Court, they ehall have the power to reduce
 number of Circuit Judges to -our, and subdivide the Judicial Circuits, but
 such subdiviion or reduction shall ti)ke effect until after the expiration
of the
 term of some one of the said judges, or until a vacancy occur by some other