 Debts, no imprisonment for .......................  r.........  S.  Pe.
        . pblbic, when,.howand for what purpo-e contracted..... 8 6    38
 Declaraeion of Rig/ts .................................1 I       .    25
 Deeds. Renisters of, how chcsen and term of office'............. 6  4 33
 Defatlters, ineligible to  office ................................... 13
 3  42
 Defect of heirs, lands shall escheat to Sate .................9  3   39
 Districts, Assembly., how to he bounded....................... 4 4    29
          Senate and Assembly, apportionment of .............. 14 412  45
          Congressional, apportionment of ...................... 14  10 
          School, to be cstablishea by law ...................... 10  3 
 Distribution, of income of school fund .......................... 10  5
 District Attorneys, how chosen and term of office............6   4   33
 Divorces, Legislature not to grant;                         4   2...............
4 31
 Dueling, persons engaged in, disqualified to vo'te'   * .. ...... 13  2

 Education, how provided for .......... ,........ 10                  39
 Elections, Governor may issue writs of.. *.........    ....10   ..   30
           how mide by Legislatur e............ ........... 4    3    31
           general, when to be held .......................
                  geeawe                                    13    1   42
           first, when and how to be conducted ................. 14 9-11
 Electors, qualifications ol ............ ................. 3         28
           who disquslifiedtrom b:ing.......................... 3 2-6 28
           residing on Indiana land!, where to vote ............ 13  5 42)
 Enacting clause, provision conceining.....................4     17   30
 Enumeration, of inhabitants provided for .................... 4 1    39
 Equity, how testimony taken in .................................
 Error, writs of, not to be probibited ........................... 1  1937
 Escheats, to State from detect of heirs .......................... 9  3
 Excessive badl, not to he iequire ... .  .   .   .  .   .1      6    25
 Executive power, vested in Governor ......................... 5 1    31
 Exemption, of property from Jo. ced bale.......................1 17  26
 Expoitfacto law, not to be pa,3sed..............................  12 26

Felonies, persons Convicted of disfranchised ................ 3  2    28
Fines andJ'oWfYtiures, excessive not to be imposed ............ 1 6   25
                      veservel in grants of land void ......... 1  14 '26
                      to become part of school fund .......... 10 2   39
                      accruirg to Territory to inure to State .. 14  3 43
Fofeitures, of estates, conviction not to work .................. 1  12 
Freedom of speech, guarantied toall persons .................... 1  1 25
                             to members o1 Legislature,..... 4  16    30
Funds; School. (See- Schoolfunds.)

 General Elections, when toh be held..  ..................... 13 1   42
 Governor, execut've power ves-ted in, and term of office ........  1 31
           who eligible to office  ................................  2  31
           when and how  elected ...............................  5  3  31
           his powers and duties ......   ; .................. 5 4   32
           his compensation ............................s        5   32
           may grant reprieves, etc ........ ...............5    6   32
           when powers and dudes devolve onLicutenant Gov-
           ero .      ................................. ...      7   32
           his powers in approving bills .......................... 5  10
           may aenove certain officers .................. .6     4   33
           his oficiial acts, how authenticated .............. 13 4  42
           first elected, how long to hold office ................. 14  14
Grant, of lands, reservirg rent, daration limited ................ 1  14
      of lands, not to'be prejudiced ......................   2      28
Great Seal, Legislature to provide andrvwho to keep............. 13  4  42