Policies Adopted at
Annual Meeting
These statements of policy were adopted by delegates
to the Council's 36th Annual Meeting in Madison,
October 30, 1964. Together with policy currently in
effect they constitute total Council policy.

1. Encouraging Cooperative Growth and Expansion
by becoming stronger structurally and financially.
2. The Farmer Cooperative Service is commended for
effectively contributing information and research es-
sential to the growth of cooperatives.
3. Protection of Existing Farm Credit System by op-
posing any legislation or proposals for establishing new
agencies that would have an adverse effect on the opera-
tion of the current system.
4. Capper-Volstead Act -Oppose amendment to this
5. Taxation of Cooperative Returns-Reaffirms the
position that the net proceeds of a cooperative returned
to patrons on a patronage basis in any form, is income
in the hands of the patron and not income of the coop-
erative making the distribution.
6. State Income Tax Treatment - Recommend that
no change be made in the present state income tax
treatment of bona-fide cooperatives.
7. Cooperative Assistance and Auditing Service-
Urge strengthening of the Cooperative Assistance Sec-
tion of the Marketing Division in providing technical
aid and assistance to all non-governmental auditing
services, and for technical assistance directly to indi-
vidual cooperatives; and recommend that it be ade-
quately staffed.
8. Protection of Consumers from Misrepresentation
of Food Products-Urges all of those responsible bodies
to increase their vigilance and work toward full en-
forcement of all regulations designed to protect con-
9. The Urban Fringe Problem - Urge that agricul-
tural land in rural-urban fringe areas that is used for
agricultural purposes be assessed on the same basis as
other agricultural land in that general area.
10. Indiscriminate Weed and Brush Control - Urge
that agencies involved be made responsible for cleaning
up, and made aware of their responsibilities for damage
to crops.
11. Poison Spray Study -Urge the continuous sur-
veilance of laws covering use of sprays and herbicides,
and the keeping of members informed as to need for
improved or additional legislation.
12. Desecrating the Countryside - Urge that steps
be taken to regulate existing automobile "graveyards"
and other defacing structures, as well as to prescribe
limitations and prohibitions on new yards.
13. Livestock Market News Service - We ask that
legislation be enacted to provide funds to the Wiscon-
sin Department of Agriculture for the development of
adequate livestock market news reporting services.
14. True Interest Rates - Favor the promotion of
laws that would require all lenders to inform the bor-
rower, in clear and concise manner, of the true rate of
interest being charged.